Oliver Morey Dell

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      "I think it's time to meet your grandnephew."

        My next cry of pain seemed to snap her out of her trance and she yelled for my uncle as she rushed into the nursery to get my baby bag for the hospital. Her and Uncle Morey came down the stairs at the same time. "What is it?" He asked in that deep voice of his. Aunt Babs gave him a wide eyed look. 

        "It's time." She said ominously. It took him a minute to understand what she was trying to say as he looked at me on the couch clutching my stomach as the ice cream melted on the side table beside me. 

         "Oh. Oh!" They booth started moving frantically, freaking out. I think this is the fastest I've ever seen Uncle Morey move. 

         "Hey, hey. Just calm down, okay? You're both starting to make me freak out even more. I should be the one freaking out at the moment. I mean I'm still a kid myself, and here I am about to have my own." I said. They only calmed down a little bit as they helped me to the car. As we were driving towards Hartford Hospital, I started making phone calls in between my contractions. First I called Lorelai. 

          "Hello?" She answered the phone. It took me a minute to answer as another contraction passed. "Hello?" She asked again, more worried this time as she could hear my grunts of pain. 

          "Hey, it's me."


          "Yeah. Uh, Aunt Babs and Uncle Morey are taking me to the hospital at the moment. My son decided he was ready right as I was enjoying my ice cream." I told her.

          "What?! That's amazing! Well, not about the ice cream, but you know. We just got done with the ball. Do you want us to come to the hospital?" I shook my head no.

          "No, no. It's okay. My water hasn't even broke yet. I'll get Aunt Babs to call when you can see him. It'll be much comfier to wait at your home than at the hospital. And anyways isn't Christopher there? You both hang out with him. I don't want to take away any of Rory's time with her dad." I explained. 

          "Are you sure? Because we can be there in a heartbeat." 

          "Yes. I'm sure. And could you tell her for me? I gotta call Sam." 

          "Of course. Good luck." She wished me as she hung up. I dialed Sam's home number and waited for him to pick up. 

          "Hello?" His mother answered.

          "Hey, Ms. Barnett. It's Gabby. Is Sam there?"

          "Yes, just give me one moment." It was a few seconds before I heard his voice. 

          "Gabby?" As soon as he said my name I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. 

          "Sammy. Hey." I could hear the relief in my voice. "So, strangest thing happened. Uh, I'm in labor and I'm on the way to the hospital." 

          "Oh my gosh! How are you? Are you in pain? Do you need me to come to the hospital? Which hospital are you at?" He started asking questions so fast I almost couldn't understand them. 

          "Woah woah woah. Slow down. I'm okay right now. But of course I'm in pain, I'm in labor." I giggled a little before another contraction hit me. 

          "What's that?! Gabby?!" 

          "I'm fine, it's just a contraction. Uh, Uncle Morey and Aunt Babs are driving me to Hartford Hospital. You don't have to come, I'll be okay. I don't want you to have to wait, this could take a while."

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