Christopher Returns

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Gabby's POV

      It was a couple of weeks after the rummage sale and everything was going nicely so far. Last week I went with Babs and Uncle Morey to New York to watch him play while Rory watched our new kitten. I've already fallen in love with the kitten. I didn't think that I would love the cat as much as I do but she means so much to Babs that I think the love has transferred to me. What made that night even better was when I got home and Lorelai told me all about what Rory did for Dean. I don't think I have laughed that hard before. I'm definitely going to be bringing that up every chance I get. 

     Other than that I am eighteen weeks pregnant this today, and I'll get to know the gender at the next ultrasound because they couldn't find it yet at the last one. So we had to put the party on hold for a couple weeks, but hopefully, this ultrasound will be successful. By now, I believe everyone in town new, and they all had different reactions, but they eventually came around. Lorelai planned it all, and she said that we would have to party at Miss Pattys, Sookie would make the cake, and everybody from the town was gonna come. I think Aunt Babs was more excited than I was. It's crazy how fast and slow this time has gone by. I mean it feels like just yesterday I had entered Stars Hollow and met everyone. The whole town has become such an important part of my life in this short amount of time. I just hope these last four months go by fast too. I can't wait to see my baby, and just love them with everything in me. 

     In other news, surprisingly, Rory's father has come into town

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     In other news, surprisingly, Rory's father has come into town. It shocked everybody, but mainly Lorelai. I don't think she wanted him here at all. Though, Rory was the most excited I had ever seen her. I was a little wary, I mean I don't know her dad, but he didn't seem like the kind to stick around long. I didn't want Rory to get her hopes up and get hurt. It seems like Lorelai had the same thoughts as me, and she actually knows Christopher. But, I was gonna be happy for Rory now, because she was happy. I wasn't going to be the one to bring her down. So, I was currently sitting at the softball field waiting for Rory and her dad to show up. This had become a routine of ours, watching the boys play softball. It was one of the best "shows" we watch. It never fails. They walk up right as Dean was up to bat. 

     "I'd send your boys a little farther into the field Luke," Dean taunts.

     "Why? Will they have a better view of you whiffing?" Luke quips back, not missing a beat. And the routine has not been disturbed yet. 

     "Haha. You know the only way I'm not hitting it is if you don't have the strength to get it over the plate." 

     "The truth of the matter is that you can't pitch and you can't hit. So this will be a terrific matchup." Kirk buts in. 

     "Knock it off Kirk." Luke replies, not offended by him in the slightest.  Finally, Rory notices I'm there and introduces me to her dad. 

     "Oh, hey Gabby. This is my dad. Dad, this is Gabby, Mom and I's friend." 

     "Hi, nice to meet you. Rory talks about you a lot." He says as I can see him looking at my belly when he stretches his hand out for me to shake. I can't tell what he is thinking about it, but Lorelai must have explained.

     "Hello, Mr. Hayden. Nice to meet you too. I hope it was all pleasant." I say as I shake his hand and smile. 

     "Yes, nothing but good. And please call me Chris." He smiles back. When we tune back into the banter, I notice Dean smiling and waving at Rory. Then he frowns a little bit and goes back to the game. Huh, that's strange. I guess Rory hasn't told her dad about Dean yet. "How long do these games last?" He turns to Rory and asks with a laugh as Kirk just kept going. 

     "Until they get tired, and then they just say the first team to get a run wins." Rory answers him. 

     "Yeah, it's really professional down there. Hey, Luke, does your husband play softball too?" Kirk taunts.

     "Alright that's it." Luke says as he throws his glove down and starts making his way off the field towards Kirk. 

     "Um, I'm getting a page, I've got to go." Kirk excuses as he makes a run for it. Then Dean comes towards us. 

     "Hey." Dean greets.

     "Hey. Dean this is my dad. Dad this Dean." Rory introduces them as we all stand up and they shake hands. 

     "Uh, nice to meet you." Dean says.

     "Same here." Her dad replies stiffly. 

     "So, do you live in the area?" Dean starts the conversation. It was starting to get awkward. 

     "No, I had some time, so I rode my bike out from Berkely." Chris answers.

     "Really? Well, what do you got?" Dean asks, interested. Okay, it's getting a little better. 

     "It's a 2000 Indian." Rory replies like she knows what they're talking about. 

     "I got an '86 Suzuki." Dean says, trying to relate. 

     "Nice." Chris seems to accept him. 

     "Yeah." He smiles. 

     "Dean, come on!" Luke yells from the field. 

     "I got to go. I'll see you later. It was nice meeting you." He then turns to me. "Bye Gabby." He runs back to the field. Chris then turns to Rory with a knowing smile as we sit down. 

     "So, that was a Dean?" He asks. 

     "That was a Dean." Rory replies with a smile. Then the boys on the field do the thing they do and we are out of there in no time. I had a shift at Luke's today for a couple of hours. I talked with Lorelai and we decided that it would be better that I just work at the diner instead of the inn. It was an easier commute and a simpler job. She understood, and she said I could work with her after the baby is here and I've gotten my GED and settled down. I was almost done with my GED, and I was proud of myself for that. I was serving customers when Rory and her dad walked in. They just sat down, when Chris' phone rang. Uh oh, Luke wouldn't be happy. He answered it despite Lorelai's warnings and then gave the phone to her. I'm just glad that Luke isn't in here. I get done cleaning off a table when I notice the look on Lorelai's face.  It doesn't look good, so I'll talk to her about it later. 




       It was now Friday night, and I had talked to Lorelai yesterday and she explained. It turns out that Emily wanted them all to go to dinner together with Rory's other grandparents. I don't see this ending well. But, on a happier note, I had my ultrasound today. Everything was perfect, and the doctor put the gender in an envelope for me to give to Lorelai. Honestly, I can't wait for the party I'm so excited. It was a little after nine now and I was waiting for a call from Rory to tell me about the dinner. Then, the phone rang. I picked up as fast as I could. She told me all about it, and I was very surprised. We talked until I think I fell asleep. I'm not sure, I just know that we were talking about Dean and how they were, and the next thing I knew I was waking up the sound of a loud vehicle driving off. I looked out the window and noticed that it was Rory's dad leaving. She and Lorelai looked to be in an important conversation, so I turned around and got ready for the day. I had to give Lorelai the envelope today. It was really hard to no look in it, I just want to know already. But, I know it is going to be even sweeter when I find out in front of everybody that I care about. 

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