Cinnamon's Wake

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Gabby's POV

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Gabby's POV

           As I sat there on the bus headed towards the only place I could think of where I might be wanted, or at least welcomed, I thought of what had happened that led up to this point.

           As I walk to the front door of my house I notice that both of my parents are home, which is odd for this time of day. I had just gotten out of school, they should both still be at work. I carefully open the door, not sure what to expect when I get inside. I walk into the dining room and see Frank and Susan both sitting there at the table, waiting. As soon as they see me their faces turn to anger, disgust, and utter disappointment. I wonder why until I see what's in my mother's hand. Something I had been trying to forget about.

         "What were you doing in my room?!"

         "You want to tell me what this is Gabriella?!" My father boomed with his loud voice.

         "How could you disgrace this family like this?" Mother asks me with the familiar disgust in her eyes.

         They both glare at me, waiting for me to say something. But, I just stand there, in shock. I didn't know what to do. I knew they were going to make me get rid of my little nugget. But this is my baby, and while I really didn't expect this to happen. This is Josh and I's baby. I loved it already. No way was I going to do what they wanted.

       "You are getting rid of this baby!" My father demanded.

       "I'm not." I just barely spoke. But I could tell they heard me by the looks on their faces.

       "Yes, you are!" There goes my mother.

        "I will not!" I said firmer this time.

        "Then you are no longer welcome in this home!"

         I jolt out of the flashback as the bus comes to a stop. I grab my stuff and hop off the bus. I went in the nearest cafe looking for somebody who knows where Stars Hallow is. My favorite aunt and uncle live there. I hadn't seen them in a year or two, but I still talk to them on occasion. We had been real close when I was little, but then my dad, or Frank, got a job offer in Chicago. So then we moved there and my parents never took me to visit. Though there were a couple summers every couple years where they would come visit me. I went up to the counter and ordered a muffin and a water. It was all I could really afford, and my little nugget was getting hungry. After I finished my muffin I asked the first person I saw which way Stars Hallow was. He pointed it out and I was on my way. As I was walking through the town I noticed how different it was from Chicago, and I loved it. I absolutely despised Chicago. I'm sure I'll love it here, if Aunt Babs and Uncle Morey took me in. I walked into a Luke's Diner wondering if anybody there knew where Aunt Babs lived. I went up to the guy behind the counter first.

          "Excuse me." The guy turned around and looked at me. Then he looked at my bags and had a questionable look on his face.

           "Sorry to bother you, but um would you happen to know where Babette Dell lives?" He still just looked at me for a second.

         "Um, I'm fixing to head over there. You can just follow me." He had a couple of brown bags in his hand that were full of food. I just nodded my head and followed him out of the door. We walked in silence for only 5 minutes before he started asking me questions. 

        "So, what's with the bags?"

        "Oh, um, these are my clothes." I answered awkwardly. I didn't really know what to say. I couldn't really just blurt out what really happened to a total stranger. 

       "Oh, cool." He was just as awkward. 

      "So, I didn't catch your name. Mine's Luke."

      "Gabriella, but you can just call me Gabby."  By that time we had arrived at Aunt Babs. I noticed all the cars that were parked outside and wondered what they were doing here. I fell a little behind Luke as he ran into this woman who was also carrying food that looked delicious. As they were making it up the stairs another woman came up and rushed past them telling them something. But I was too unfocused to hear what she said. Then, I was left alone outside. I stared up at the house that held precious memories. I thought about what they would say when they saw me if they even remembered what I looked like. I wondered if they would kick me out too. I quickly shook that thought out of my head and started to head inside. It took me a little bit to find either of them, but the I first saw My Aunt Babs on the couch. 

        "Aunt Babs?" As soon as I said that she looked up at me and her eyes got real big and she smiled so wide. 

        "Gabby, baby? Is that really you?" She stood up and walked a few feet towards me.

        "Yes ma'am. Its really me." She took me in for a big hug. One that was so full of love and warmth. I haven't had a hug like this since the last time she came up to visit. 

        "Oh, its been so long! I've missed you so much. You've gotten so big! Look at how beautiful you are." She spoke so fast. I could barely keep up. 

        "I've missed you too." I said with tears in my eyes. Oh, how I've really missed her. She pulled back from the hug, and put her warm hands on my cheeks and wiped a few of my tears away. 

        "Oh, honey. What's wrong?" She looked into my eyes. 

        "Nothing, I'm sorry to disturb your party." 

        "That's okay sweetie, but its not a party. Its a wake for Cinnamon." Her smile faltered.

        "No. Cinnamon died!? That's terrible." I can't believe the old cat died. At this rate I thought it was going to live forever. 

        "Its okay. At least you're here." She then looked down and noticed that I had my bags with me.  A concerned look covered her face. 

        "What are you doing with all of your stuff?"

        "Um, its a little hard to explain right now. Is it possible for me to stay here for a while?" I didn't know what she was gonna say. 

        "Of course you can stay here! I'll show you to your room." She started to lead me up the stairs. But I stopped her. 

       "Its okay Aunt Babs, I remember where it is." I head up to the room that I used to stay in all the time. 

Unexpected Blessing (Gilmore Girls)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora