Kiss and Tell

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Gabby's POV

              It was a little over a week later, and I was walking to Luke's with Lorelai and Rory. I had gotten closer to them since the party. I could confidently say that we are friends. I have kind of settled into life in Stars Hallow. It was a lot better than my old life, a lot warmer.  As we're walking Lorelai starts talking. 

              "One of us has got to do laundry tonight."

              "Why?" Rory replies.

              "Because I haven't had any clean underwear for three days." Lorelai answers.

              "So, right now under your skirt, you're wearing..." 

              "Not underwear." Okay, I don't think I've ever done that before.

              "Mom!" Rory exclaims.

              "I'm with Rory on this one." I look at Lorelai incredulously.

              "It's kind of nice actually, breezy." 

              "My role model, ladies and gentlemen." Rory quips.

             "How come you haven't run out yet?" Lorelai starts to get suspicious. At this point I'm too hungry to listen to the rest of the conversation. I am now 9 weeks pregnant. My baby is the size of a cherry. The morning sickness seems to have gotten a little worse. Also, I pee a lot, its not very practical. As we walk into the diner Taylor and Luke are arguing. I have come to find out that this is a normal occurrence. So I just head to the restroom to relieve my bladder. When I come back out Lorelai is behind the counter fixing her coffee. I head over to where they're at and ask for a chocolate muffin. Luke and Taylor are still arguing as Luke comes over real quick and gives Lorelai a tool to pick up the muffins.

             "Here, don't use your hands." Luke says as he hands her the utensil. I don't listen to Luke and Taylor going back and forth, as I eat my muffin. 

             "Hopefully, I don't throw this up." I accidently let slip. Both Lorelai's look at me funny.

             "Why would you throw it up?" Lorelai questions me. I panic for a second. No one knows about the little nugget except Aunt Babs and Uncle Morey. I quickly try to think of an excuse. 

             "Umm, no reason. I should actually be getting back." I spit out, desperate for a way out of the conversation. I leave as fast as I can, before they can ask me any more questions. I make my way home to rest. 


            Its later in the day, and I'm at Doose's to get a few items for Aunt Babs. I turn to go down another isle when I see Rory kissing one of the workers. I have seen him around, but I haven't met him yet. Then I see Rory running out of the store with a box of cornstarch in her hands.  I finish shopping, and walk home. I stay at home for the rest of the day. I cook supper as Aunt Babs and Uncle Morey are out. They come home and we eat. We talk about the baby, and what we're gonna do when he or she gets here. The little nugget would stay in my room, cause its big enough for the both of us. We're not gonna start buying anything until we know the gender. I'm gonna look for an easy job before the baby comes. So that I can save up. I'll work for my GED too. Aunt Babs and Uncle Morey gave me a little lecture on boyfriends. I didn't really expect that, but it made me remember that they care for me. More than my parents did. 


            Its the next night, Friday night, and as I walk out of my room I see Uncle Morey at the piano. But I don't see Aunt Babs. I didn't know where she was until I heard her talking to somebody through the window. I look out there to see that it was the guy from the supermarket that was kissing Rory. He must have been going over to Lorelai's, when Aunt Babs caught him. No telling how long he's already been there talking with her. As soon as I make it outside, so does Lorelai. She must have noticed too. 

          "Its all we ever hear about, jazz jazz jazz jazz jazz., right?" She says as she come running over. 

          "Hey, sugar, we were just getting to know your young man here." Aunt Babs says when she notices Lorelai.

           "Yeah, I see that. So, Dean, would you mind going inside and helping Rory out? There's a struggle with the pickle jar lid that I think she's about to lose." Lorelai says, trying to find Dean a way out. 

           "Sure, yeah." He says, heading towards the door. 

            "It was nice talking to you Dean." Aunt Babs says her goodbyes.

            "Yeah, you too." He replies still trying to leave.

            "Stay cool, kid." Uncle Morey says to Dean through the window. 

            "I will." He says as he finally walks to the door and heads inside. As soon as he's out of hearing range Aunt Babs starts whispering. 

            "Oh, is he cute! And that Chuck Heston chin of his! Is he Rory's boyfriend?" 

            "No, they're just friends." Lorelai says back. Well, that's a lie if  I ever heard one. After what I saw in Doose's. 

            "That's not what I heard. Kissin' at the market, gives a whole new meanin' to 'tastin' day!" Aunt Babs had the same thoughts as me. 

           "Okay, well, I got to get back inside and shower. So, I'll talk to you guys later." Lorelai says, also trying to leave.

           "Have a good evenin'. OH! And don't forget to invite us to the weddin'!" Lorelai chuckles. "Oh, won't their kids be gorgeous!" I don't think  Lorelai is ready for that.

           "Oh, gosh, I hope not." She then runs back inside. We, also, head back inside. I say goodnight to them, and head to bed. 

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