Oliver Morey Dell - Pt. 2

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     "I think I love you."

      I can't believe I just said that. It's way too soon. He's gonna freak out. I've surely just pushed Sam away for good. I mean, if me having a kid didn't do it, I guess I had to find a different way. Way to go Gabby. Ruining your own chance at happiness. 

     "I think I love you too." I barely heard. But it was enough to stop my rambling, anxious thoughts. I looked up at Sam with bewildered eyes. 

     "What?" I asked, just to make sure I heard it right and my eleven hours of labor weren't making me hear things. 

     "I said. I think I love you too." As Sam said this he looked directly in my eyes. I could see it there, the budding love, and it was almost enough to make me cry. But, again, that could have been all the stress and pain I just went through. Before I could say anything else, I heard Oliver cry and looked over at Lorelai and reached for him. She handed him back and it he instantly calmed down. I stared at his face and was more thankful than ever that he looked nothing like his sperm donator. He was absolutely beautiful; I couldn't believe that he was mine. I know that this is going to be hard, and I am definitely going to struggle. But it is all going to be worth it as long as I get to see Oliver's eyes. I looked up when I felt a hand pushing the hair at my forehead back to meet Sam's eyes. Everything was going to be alright. 


      It was two days later, and they were finally letting me go home from the hospital. I have never missed my bed more than I do right now. That hospital bed has to be the most uncomfortable thing on the planet. I can only imagine how the chairs were, and Aunt Babs and Uncle Morey basically lived there. They've been more supportive than I thought possible, and I am so thankful that I have them. And Lorelai too. She's basically been in the same situation as me, so she has helped me a lot. I don't know how I could do this without everyone, and that thought makes me admire Lorelia even more. She started out with no one, but she found this town just like I did. 

      I was brought back to reality when the nurse knocked on my door with my release papers. As soon as I signed those, I put Oliver in his car seat, which made him look that much smaller, and loaded up in Uncle Morey's truck. I sat in the back beside Oliver, while Aunt Babs sat upfront with Uncle Morey. I met Aunt Babs eyes in the rear-view mirror as we pulled out of the parking lot. She smiled that sweet smile that just warms you up a way that only she could do. 

     "Are you ready for this?" She asked me. 

     "As ready as I'll ever be." I answered her with a smile of my own. This was the beginning of a new life that I was more than thankful to have. Yes, it may not be the best circumstances, but now that I've laid eyes on my son, I wouldn't change it for the world. 

      When we got home Oliver startled awake with a little cry. It was feeding time, so I picked him up and carried him to my room. I was starting to get a better hang of breastfeeding, and Oliver was finally content after he was done. I just sat there holding him for a while. Trying to imagine how I had created this little angel. I was so infatuated with him I didn't hear Sam knock on my door or come in until he spoke. 

     "You amaze me." He spoke. Startling me from my reverie. I looked up at him and saw this adoring look in his eye. 

     "How come?" I asked him in reply.

     "You already look like a natural, and he hasn't even been in the world for a full week. I just can't believe that of all the people you could have chosen, you chose me." I scoffed.

     "All the people? I'm a mother who isn't even a legal adult yet. There's not a lot of people who would want this." I said as I pointed to myself. Sam walked closer as I set Oliver down in his bassinette to sleep peacefully. He sat down on the bed and turned me to look at him. 

     "I don't know what you think, but when I look at you, I see the most gorgeous person I've ever laid my eyes on who is so strong and so brave. I see someone who pushed through all of her fears to have this baby and try to better herself to make a life for her son." He paused for a minute to just look into my eyes as if he was staring directly into my soul. I was speechless. "I know we're young, and I know this is probably too soon, but I love you and I love how you love Oliver. I am all in." As he finished speaking, he leaned in closer to my face. Our lips were mere millimeters apart when a harsh knock broke us apart, and Aunt Babs walked in. 

     "Gabby dear, I was just coming to check up on," she stopped as she noticed the state that Sam and I were in. "Ope, sorry kids. I hope I didn't interrupt anything." She spoke as a coy smile grew on her face and blush appeared on mine. 

     "Nope. You didn't interrupt anything." I spit out as fast as I could without stuttering in embarrassment.  

     "Well, I was just checking up on you and seeing if Sam wanted to stay for dinner." She had a mischievous look on her face as she looked to Sam. He straightened up and put his hand on my lower back. I don't think he noticed what he did, but I could certainly feel the heat coming from his hand. It made the blush on my face brighter, if that were possible. 

     "Of course, I'll stay, if that's alright with you?" He turned to look at me to make sure. I was wary about the look on Aunt Babs face, but I couldn't turn down more time with Sam. So, I shook my head yes. 

     "Of course." I smiled at him as I carefully picked Oliver up and we both followed Aunt Babs downstairs. 

      This was going to be a long dinner.

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