Forgiveness and Stuff

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     Gabby's POV

      Its been a couple days since the whole dance debacle, with Rory staying out all night with Dean and her mom freaking out. To say that its been tense between the mother and daughter would be an understatement. They've barely spoken. I have had to listen to rants from both sides. They both want me to pick their side, but I have remained neutral. I'm just hoping that they can get this fixed soon. I hate being in the middle.

      I talked to Aunt Babs and Uncle Morey, and we've decided to finally tell the town. I have now met everyone, or most everyone, and I'm comfortable with letting them in on this. I want my baby to grow up in a loving home. Or in this case town, because as far as I have seen the whole town is a big huge family. That is exactly what I want for the nugget. Speaking of town, the whole town was at Miss Patty's for rehearsal for the Christmas play. Miss Patty was telling everybody what to do while I was helping Lorelai with fitting Kirk's costume. I look over at Lorelai and see her staring at Rory with an indiscernible emotion on her face. 

      "You know, if you two would just sit down and talk this out, I think you could solve it." I tell her. She turns to me and gives me a look only a mother could give. I turn back around and continue with what I was doing. I then hear Miss patty talking to Taylor as they walk by. 

      "Who else in town is knocked up?" I look down as they walk past and Lorelai looks over at me. I just keep my head down and keep working. 

       Its now late at night and everyone is leaving Miss Patty's. I walk behind Lorelai and Rory to give them some space. I stand at the bottom of the steps as they walk into Luke's. I look down and notice a black and white dog with the arm from Baby Jesus that Rory has been looking for. By the time I look up to tell her, they've already entered Luke's. 


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        Its early in the morning, the next day, and I'm walking through town enjoying the warm atmosphere that it's giving off on this cold winter day. I look over at  the gazebo and see Lane and Rory sitting down talking. I wave over at them, and they both wave back. I then continue into Luke's for breakfast. I sit at the bar and conversate with Luke as I'm eating. Luke and I have gotten really close lately. I can tell that he is going to be a big part of my life. I say goodbye to Luke, and start making my way to the Independence Inn. Lorelai offered me a job there. I took it considering the fact that she knows and that I will soon have a baby. I'm going to have to provide for it. I can't lean on Babs and Uncle Morey forever. 

      I walk in the door and see Lorelai throw the phone down on the desk. She looked like somebody had just told her she couldn't have coffee anymore. I walk up to her. 

    "Hey, what's wrong?" I ask with concern in my voice. She looks over at me, and I can tell by her eyes that she's upset. 

    "My mother just uninvited me to the Christmas party!" She exclaims. By now I know not to ask questions. I just shake my head and empathize with her. 

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