Rory's Birthday Parties

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Gabby's POV

I woke up in the morning to Aunt Babs and Uncle Morey's loud singing as they made breakfast. From what I could smell it was bacon and eggs. It used to be favorite, but now the smell was making me want to vomit. I slowly made my way downstairs, and creeped into the kitchen to see them dancing to no music. When they noticed me, they just smiled and kept dancing like there was nothing in the world except them in that moment. They had nothing to worry about. The same could not be said for me. I had my entire future to worry about, everything.

"Is this an everyday occurrence?" I asked them, as they stopped dancing and went back to the breakfast.

"We try to make it one." Uncle Morey replied with a smile on his face as he put the bacon and eggs on plates. He goes to hand a plate to me.

"Oh, uh. None for me." I say as I shake my head. Aunt Babs looks at me incredulously.

"What?! You love bacon and eggs." I force a smile. I have to tell them. I can't just keep this from them.

"Actually, ever since I got pregnant bacon and eggs make me nauseous." I said it so casually that they almost didn't catch what I said. It took them all of 4 seconds to turn around with bewildered faces. They just stood there in shock for a couple minutes.

"So, um, do you have any toast?" That snapped them back to reality. They started bombarding me with questions.

"Is this why you're here?"

"Who's the father?"

"How far along are you?"

"Do you know if its a boy or a girl yet?" They both spoke so fast it was starting to overwhelm me. I didn't know what to answer.

"Hold on, slowly please. Deep breaths." They calmed down. Aunt Babs was the first to speak up.

"Is that why you're here?" At the thought of my parents, or Frank and Susan, I deflate a little.

"Yes, um, Father kicked me out the house, and um, I came straight here. Are you mad?" I look down afraid to meet their eyes. Afraid to see the disappointment. I slowly look up to see that Babs was coming closer to me.

"No, sugar. We love you, and we support you. Do you know who the father is?" I'm surprised that they didn't kick me out also. That's what I was expecting. I'm glad they didn't. I love them too much.

"Yes ma'am. Um, the father was my boyfriend, but, um, he left when I told him." I say as tears threaten to spill. Babs takes me into a hug, and Uncle Morey joins.

"Oh, I could kill him." Uncle Morey, ever the supporter.

"Thanks Uncle Morey." We all released from the hug.

"Well, have you been to the doctor yet?" Babs asked me.

"I have not. I haven't really had the time to go." I did not want to go to the doctors and risk my parents finding out. Guess that didn't really work out.

"Well, we'll set up an appointment for you." Babs went towards the phone. As she was calling the doctor Uncle Morey started fixing me some toast. We all had breakfast and then Uncle Morey went to work. We just hung out around the house until lunch. Babs and I went shopping for stuff for my room, since I was going to be living here now. We had to go to Hartford because there's not a lot of shops in Stars Hallow. When we came back it was dark and we stopped by Luke's for supper. We were sitting at the counter when Lorelai came in with a huge bag that looked like it held a dress. She sat down at the counter and started a conversation with Luke. They were going back and forth with their witty banter. I could tell that was a recurring trait with Lorelai. I could definitely see them getting together. Then she mentioned a birthday party for Rory.

"You better be nice to me or I'm not inviting you to Rory's birthday celebration this Saturday night." That sounds like a fun party to go to.

"You don't have to ask me, you know." Luke looked at her like she was his whole world.

"I know, but I would like you to come." She then looked over at us as we were eating. I tried not to make it obvious that I was listening.

"You too, Gabby. It would be great for you to meet Rory." I nodded my head yes as I swallowed the bite of food.

"Oh, yes. I would love to come." She smiled at me and returned to her conversation with Luke.

"7:00, don't be late." She gave us each a stern look. Just then the bells above the door jingled letting us know that someone had come in. We turned, and I noticed it was Rory. She had on a school uniform and a bright orange backpack that looked really heavy. She went to go sit at a table and Lorelai followed her. I turned back to my plate. Aunt Babs then called Luke over to us.

"Hey Luke, have you met my niece, Gabby?" She asked him with a loud voice. I'm sure the whole dinner heard her. A couple people turned to look at me. My cheeks started to turn red as I looked back at Luke.

"Yeah, I met her on the way to your house for Cinnamon's wake." He looked at me and nodded his head, with a small smile. From what I could tell, Luke was a good man, just a little grumpy sometimes. But aren't we all. He then picked up two coffees and headed for Lorelai and Rory's table. We headed home and talked with Uncle Morey about our day. I then went to bed and quickly fell asleep. Tired from our busy day.

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