Promise Me

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Hailee's P.O.V

Today was the day of the auditions to see who's song would be featured in Warner Bros new movie. A lot of artists were going to preform their song in front of the producers and to me it was such a pain.

I finished getting all Guccied out, looking myself in the mirror, making sure I looked professional as always. Noelle walked around the corner of my room tossing herself onto my bed. She looked at me worryingly.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked.

"Everything" she sighs heavily, "Except for the way I dress." She laughed. "In the performance, (y/n) will definitely see you, what will you do then?" Noelle said. I narrowed my eyes fixing my hair.

"The group will tell me that they have a new friend who really looks like me." I chuckled.

"And you'll say" Noelle rotated her wrists prompting me to continue.

"I would really love to meet her" I turned around giving Noelle a reassuring smile. She sat up and nodded her head slowly. She looked down at her iPad she had in hand and looked up at me.

"Sounds good. But remember Hailee you have vacation after. I made a getaway trip for Palm Springs. You need a break Hailee. You haven't taken one since you started in Dickinson"

"Right, that was what... 3 years ago" I raised a brow.

"So take advantage. I prepared all you need for travel and put it in your private jet" Noelle smiled.

Noelle Martinez, my one and only best friend. We met while I was on set of pitch perfect. I decided to sneak out of the studio and enjoy some time to myself after a long day. What I didn't account for was getting lost. I didn't have my phone or anything and I was seriously freaked out. I was a naive kid back then. Evidently enough, Noelle actually walked up to me and asked for directions since she too was lost. It was in the moment when we found out that the two of us were in fact idiots.

Nevertheless we spend the whole day hanging out and quickly became friends. She told me she was also from L.A and was here on vacation with her family. So after I went back home, her and I continue to hang out and grew close. Before I knew it she had become someone I trusted and saw as an older sister.

One day I saw her doing MMA in an underground fighting club that I just so happened to follow her into. After that, I asked her to be my bodyguard and she'll never have to work a day in her life. She took me up on this offer, moved in with me and spent every waking moment with me since then. Still she takes care of me; making sure I eat, sleep, and stay hygienic. Going above and beyond normal bodyguard duties. And for that, I'm thankful.

But there was always something about Noelle. She had a knack for getting into trouble. When the devil made bad decisions it was because Noelle was on his shoulder. But she had a good heart.

"Oh by the way, here's the new phone." Noelle said handing me a red iPhone. I gave her a half smile looking at the device. It was the same model as my actual phone but different colors so it was easy not to mix them up. I gave her a quick hug and left the house.

Next up the studio.


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Today was the day. Today, I will make sure I get this audition. I need too.

Anxious as I always was before I preform, I was glad to have my friends by my side reassuring me. It helped calm me down. However that all changed when I entered the building to Warner bro studios and saw Hailee Steinfeld enter through another set of doors. Of course she was all decked out in designer walking like she owned the place. Her team had stopped in front of mine.

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