The Way I felt

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"There is perhaps a possible way to change this situation. I only want you and Niall to get married." I heard my mom say.

It replayed in my mind until no other noise could be heard. At first I didn't know if she was serious or just trying to get in my head. But the look in her face, it was apparent that she was in fact serious. "Hailee, I want you to continue to stay with the company and continue to make all the music you want. But, I hope you and Niall can get married even more. I obviously know that young people have their own thoughts, but at the end of the day, I'm a mother too. I hope to see my daughter happy. Can you promise what I've asked for?"

I didn't say a word except let out a laugh of frustration. Apparently this was the wrong answer, because what my mom said next made every cell, fiber, nerve in my body burst into anger.

"Hailee, Y/n's career will be demolished in the days to come, and her music with not make charts. Tell me Hailee. What will break first, her musical spirit, or her body... think about it"

It was then I took my phone and threw it across the room, and yelled as loud as I could. Running both my hands through my hair furiously, trying hard to calm down, but nothing. I wanted to punch a hole in this wall. I wanted to break every little thing in this room. And it wasn't until I saw y/n, looking at me with wide eyes when I snapped back into reality. The reality that y/n was here with me.

How much of my frustration did she see.

I took a few deep breaths then walked right into the booth. I stood by the door, waiting to see her reaction, but when she didn't move at my sight. I felt relieved.

"Babe I--"

"Are you okay?" She asked.

How are you supposed to tell your girlfriend, the one you helped achieve their dream that because of you, they'll become miserable? How am I supposed to look at my girlfriend and pretend everything is alright, that she is going to be alright, when her career is a ticking time bomb and is being held in my hand.

I wasn't okay. But how was I suppose to tell her that.

"I'm fine, its just..."

"Does it have something to do with me being transferred to Majesty" She said.

"No, no... it was family issues. We've been disagreeing on a lot of things lately, and it feels like I don't have a say in my life anymore" I told her. It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the full truth either.

She walked towards me taking my hand and rubbed her thumb across my knuckles. Picking it up towards her lips she placed a single kiss on them, then placed my hand on the necklace she had on. She held it tight.

"So, what song should I sing first" She smiled.


By the time we made it to Hailee's apartment, I was too exhausted to be amazed by the view. I could literally see The Empire State Building from the panorama windows in the living room. It was beautiful and just by looking at it was a blissful feeling.

I heard her footsteps walk behind me, and feel her arms wrap around my waist. She kissed my shoulder, then my neck and after she was done peppering kisses onto my skin, she rested her chin on my shoulder. Both of us looking out into the New York night. Where the lights from building shined brightly and the people walking, and cars passing by could be heard, even if we were a few stories up. It was true what people said. New York is the city were people never sleep.

"So you live here when you're shooting movies and filming shows?" I asked her looking deep into city. It's like I can make out where all of my favorite films were made. The alleyways, the sidewalks, and parks.

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