Out of My League

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Headphones in, and the world on silent; (y/n) began to prepare breakfast. She set a plate aside for herself and her roommate Ariana, before making a 'to go' one. Ariana raised a brow peaking behind (y/n)s shoulder trying to get a look at what she was doing. (Y/n) always made breakfast, but what the brunette didn't understand was, why she was making a breakfast to go.

Ariana slow approached the young girl waving her hand carefully to the side so (y/n) would catch her through the corner of her eye. When (y/n) did notice the girl she removed her headphones, placing them around her neck smiling.

"G-morning sunshine. Your breakfast" (y/n) said handing the roommate her plate. Ariana thanked the girl before taken a seat on the counter top and began digging into her eggs.

"So, is there any particular reason you're making breakfast to go?" Ariana asked. She took one of her bacon and began to chew it.

"It's for Emily." (Y/n) answered honestly. She placed both hand on the counter dropping her head just a bit.

"Emily? Not to be that friend, but you've been spending a lot of time with Emily. Not to mention you're really nice to her. You even let her touch you. You hate when anyone touches you" Ariana cocked a brow.

"It's weird... with her, if i'm being honest. The only thing I feel when I'm around Emily is comfort. I've only felt that with one other person.

"So that's why you're making her breakfast. Because she's... safe?"

"The other day we stopped to get something to eat. Emily didn't have any money in her wallet. She doesn't have money and she feels ashamed to say something. She's been helping me a lot, but I can't pay her. So at least I can give her enough food." (Y/n) gave a weak smile, turning back to her hash browns making sure they didn't burn.

"You're a very nice person (y/n), you know that. Even after everything you've been through." Ariana gave (y/n) a soft smile extending her hand towards the girl. Once (y/n) notices she is quick to take it, and in the process both start doing their secret handshake, causing both girls to laugh. "Is she going to go to school with you today?"

"Yup. She says she likes it. Which makes it easier since after school we can start working on recording the song" (y/n) took a deep breath. She grabbed the food that was neatly placed in the Tupperware and put them into her backpack. "6 o'clock, studio, don't forget." (Y/n) hugged her friend goodbye before running out of the house.

Down the elevator and into the parking garage, (y/n) made her way towards her car slowly getting in. She turned it on and the roaring engine made (y/n) flinch just a bit. Eyes close letting out a shaky breath, (y/n) reached for the radio where a nice melody of Beethoven moonlight sonata began to play. The volume was low, but it was enough to calm the young girl down and began to drive off.

It wasn't long before (y/n) parked her car in the school parking lot. She was happy to get out, walking towards a near by table. She smiled when she noticed Emily was already there looking around. When the two made eye contact, Emily waved her over, and (y/n) was quick to pick up her pace.

"There you are. I was starting to think you weren't going to show" Emily laughed hugging the girl. (Y/n) was a bit caught of guard, but returned the small gesture.

"Sorry, I was busy. I made you breakfast" (y/n) smiled handed Emily the bag.

"You didn't have to."

"I know, but I wanted too. We can eat together" (y/n) said sitting down at the table. Hailee only nodded her head taking her seat. When she pulled out the Tupperware she noticed the many types of food items. Hailee opened one container that had what appeared to be strawberry crepes. She took a fork and dug in, letting out a small moan, savoring the food. "That good" y/n laughed catching the sound.

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