Getting Nervous Now

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Y/N's P.O.V

It was like my lungs were on fire by the time I made it all the way to Hailee's front door. I doubled over trying to catch my breath, seeing the it linger in the cold air.

6 in the morning.

Hailee asked me to go over at 6 in the morning and I was dying on the inside ready to pass out. I composed myself when I finally decided to ring the door bell.

After a few seconds, I can hear Hailee from the small doorbell speaker saying she will be right there. I raised a brow waiting impatiently. I looked at my watch, seeing the seconds tick by until an actual minute had passed.

"Well that was a lie." I mumbled before ringing the door bell once more.

"One second!" Hailee said back through the speaker. Again I raised a brow and scoffed.

"One" I huffed and rung the door bell a third time.

"I said Im coming" Hailee huffed.

"What is it with people these days. No one hustles anymore" I rolled my eyes continuing to ring the door bell over and over. Normally I would be waiting patiently, looking around and taking in the beautiful morning LA weather, nope not today. Not at 6 in the morning after I was finally able to get some form of sleep that only lasted 30 minutes.

After making a sick beat with the doorbell, Hailee finally opened the door. My eyes focused on the sight before me. Hailee and Noelle holding each other in a head lock, both their hairs messed up and all over the places, as the two began panting and grunting.

"I knew it! I knew you were lying to me." I scoffed rolling my eyes. "I thought I knew you. I thought you were my girlfriend. I let myself be vulnerable to you" I said the last part softly, sounding hurt and betrayed. Noelle and Hailee looked at each other and quickly let go, pushing each other back.

"Baby it's no--"

"I trusted you!" I cut her off, turning around and pressing the back of my hand to my forehead dramatically. "Well not anymore!" I shouted. "Do you hear that? That's the sound of my walls going back up. Lose my number, because you are dead to me. D-E-D. Dead." I crossed my arms in front of my chest, turning on my heel and getting ready to walk away, but Hailee was quick to grab my arm, preventing me from leaving.

She looked a little hurt ready to say something, but when she saw the corner of my lip tugging upwards she knew it was all an act, and let a laugh escape, shaking her head.

"So you an actress now" Hailee laughed.

"I should be, that was an Oscar winning performance. I had you fooled didn't I" I said kissing her on her lips.

"Did you forget your chill at the library. I hate you" Hailee mumbled.

"No you don't" I say giving her a smug look.

"You're right I don't." Hailee said. I place a kiss on her cheek and did my secret handshake with Noelle before waking into their mansion. "So are you two okay" I asked pointing at one another.

"It's nothing, just some banter between friends. Here this is your schedule for the week" Noelle said handing me the iPad. There were a lot of things planned, but nothing to make it seem overwhelming. It was a nice slow pace.

"I asked Noelle to make sure your first week wasn't stressful. You can deal with that part later in your new career" Hailee smiled pointing at a few things for today.

"Your first order of business is a photoshoot that starts in an hour so let's go" Noelle tells me, pushing me out the door. Hailee grabbed her bag and followed us out, when a black SUV pulled up.

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