There Can Only Be One

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Y/n' P.O.V

Many eyes were on me tonight as I was performing for my Jimmy Kimmel interview. I was nervous. So nervous that I lost all since of reality the entire day. When I snapped back into reality I was getting ready to preform. Like one minute I was eating my lucky charms and BAM on stage preforming. Noelle had told me to sing my newest song that she helped me write. She said I needed to make the audience hyped, and the song itself would make them dance, and the melody and lyrics would get stuck in their heads. Make an expression, she told me. Make them remember you. Not gunna lie, I felt like I was going to war.

Clapping, cheering, screaming in excitement. Those were the only things my ears picked up over the loud music blasting in my ears from the ear piece. The more they cheered, the more adrenaline was pumping into my body. I couldn't stop smiling, and I just wanted this moment to last forever. I never felt anything like this. The excitement and the rush. I don't know what being high felt like, but in this moment I can only assume this was the result of being high on life.

The way my feet just danced and glided onto the dance floor so smoothly. The way the lyrics flowed out, despite my attempted of not forgetting my lyrics. Everything in this moment felt so right.

The song only last 3 minutes at least. But it felt like hours in ecstasy.

"(Y/n Y/Ln) everybody" Jimmy Kimmel re-introduced me and once again the crowed went wild. Then he took me to sit down next to him. I took a seat on his soft couch which was a good thing because my legs were about to give out any second; still nervous. Once he took his seat behind his desk he cleared his throat. I hope he asks me easy questions. Fingers crossed.

"(Y/n) thank you for being here tonight" he began as the audience started to quiet down. My heart was pumping so loud I was scared the mic would pick up on it.

"Thanks for having me" I smiled and let out a small laugh. Just be friendly, go with the flow. I had to remind myself.

"I gotta say, the song you did with Hailee Steinfeld has since taken over when it was released. The song had been out now for a couple of weeks and it still holds the number one spot. Now you are brand new to the industry. How did you end up making a collab with the young superstar known as Hailee Steinfeld?" Jimmy asked starting off his questions. He smiled politely, waiting for my answer. But I didn't know what to tell them.

How do you tell a stranger that the reason you are where you're at right now is because your famous long time friend gave you the opportunity. I didn't even know if I should be grateful or not. Did I really deserve it?

"Actually I was doing a song at Rocque Records and Hailee just so happened to be there, she heard me sing and right there and then told me she wanted to collaborate." It wasn't a lie. She told me, not asked. I was a prisoner of Hailee. "And well, now I'm here" I smiled. It was a fake smile, but he didn't know. No body did.

"But it's not just the song with Hailee that's good. My kids actually showed me more of your music and we all enjoyed it. So I have to ask what inspired your music" he said more invested in me and not Hailee.

I didn't know what to say. I was not prepared. No wait I was. Noelle asked me a few questions to prep me. This was one of them. You know it's times like these you wanna write the answer in the palm of your hand and hope the sweat didn't smudge the pen mark. I really wish I had a cheat sheet.

But I told them my inspiration behind a few songs. I told him and the audience not necessarily a lie, but not the extent of the meaning behind the songs. Hailee told me not to let myself be vulnerable. Some of these songs came from a very vulnerable place. Maybe one day I'll tell them, but right now... Im just a newbie who is about to be swimming with sharks. I know what it's like to have people take advantage because how much I'm willing to trust. But it's also how I learned not to trust people. Right now, everyone to me is a stranger with interior motives.

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