Trust Me... Just This Once

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Y/n's P.O.V

Alfred arrived at the food joint smiling, as always when he saw my dad and I. But it wasn't until he moved away from the door, when I saw Hailee right behind him and both my dad's and Alfreds smiles grew.

She waved shyly, barley raising her arm, and even her smile was barley there. All I was able to see was a small tug on the corner of her lips, but it didn't stay. Dropping it when I turned to my dad. 

I looked between my dad and Alfred, trying to figure out whether or not they planned this, but I somehow doubt it. After all, my dad didn't really like the Steinfelds, and I still can't forget about our conversations stating such a fact. But when I saw my dads wide smile, I knew this might not be some coincidence. 

Hailee kept her head down, hoodie over her head. She looked fidgety looking at me, the ground, and the entire place. 

"How about we get out of here" My dad cleared his throat, picking up our trays with trashed. "Lets all talk--"


"Lets..." He spoke over me, keeping his calm voice stern and raise just enough to know he was being serious. "Talked back at the house, shall we?" he finished what he needed to say. 

"Fine... but im not riding with Hailee. Im to tired for a shouting match" I say, getting up from the booth seat. 

I don't even bother saying hi to her, just walking past her. She didn't say anything, just accepted it, keeping her eyes locked forward, not leaving from her spot until Alfred led her to the other car. 

And when my dad got in ours, Hailee in Alfred, I couldn't stop my thoughts from running ramped. 

"Do you know how you become the best lawyer ever?" my dad spoke making my thoughts go quiet. I turned to him, giving him my attention. He isn't bother to start the car, nor did he bother to fix his seat belt. He was still too busy drinking his milkshake. 

When he was done he pulled the large cup away looking at it, like he couldn't believe what he was drinking was that good. I know this because he went for another sip, sucking up all the melted ice cream until there was nothing left. 

"Dad. Dad I think there's nothing left" I pointed to the cup in his hand. 

"I should get another one for the road don't you think?--"

"Dad if we can get home right now, I will make you another one" I tell him just wanting to get whatever we had to talk about done and over with. I wanted to sleep, I wanted to forget my fight with Hailee. But I especially wanted to go to sleep and wake up and tell Hailee about my crazy dream. About how she was giving us up and marrying Niall for me. But it wasn't a dream no matter how many times I try to wrap my head around those words.

My dad took a deep breath keeping still. "They key to being a good lawyer is listening to every detail someone says."


"It works even better in a relationship. I know you really care for the girl, and I've seen it. And from everything you had told me I know that she's willing to do anything and I mean anything for you. If you want to work things out, you have to listen to what she has to say. You owe her that much. Even if you're mad." he shrugged his shoulders before turning on the car and began to drive away. "Just listen, y/n. To every word, before you make a decision you might regret."

The car ride home was filled with comfort. I didn't say much after we left the parking lot, but my dad kept the car full of noise. With the radio playing my music he began to sing and dance. It wasn't even the radio, when I checked his phone he was on my entire Spotify playlist. He had liked all of my songs, and pinned the playlist itself. 

That's Not MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon