Sweet Little Lies

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Y/n's P.O.V

It's official. I am now a proud mother to this adorable puppy. When I went to the vet to get her checked, she wasn't chipped or anything. And right there and then I was able to adopt, and get her the proper care. She seemed really happy and excited the entire time we were out. I decided to call this beautiful puppy Martini. She's tini tiny and she's very classy.

Now, I'm taking her for a walk as we make our way to the hangout studio. Though it was much harder then I thought. I actually got recognized, more then I expected. I will admit it was scary at first. Fans coming up to me out of the random asking for pictures and autographs. It was starting to become a little overwhelming but with Martini by my side I managed to stay calm.

Then everything came to a stand still. Suddenly nothing was moving around me, and if it was, I didn't notice. My only focus was at the girl standing right in front of me a few feet away. Beautiful brown wavy hair, and a soft smile that was both awkward and shy. Her glasses reflected the sun just a little to make her eyes sparkle.

It was her. My eyes weren't mistaken.

She didn't say anything. Walking straight towards me engulfing me into a hug so tight I felt my lungs getting crushed. I was still stunned. She felt so real. Warm and soft.

"Emily" I let her name slip past my lips, though it only came out in a whisper.

"It's me... I'm back" she said. I could see the beads of tears forming in her eyes. She takes both my hands and places them on her cheeks, then her neck before kissing my left palm. "It's really me" she softly laughed as the first tear fell.

Why? How? Why, just... why?

I wrap my arms around her hug her tightly this time.

When she pulled away, cupping my cheeks as I leaned in slowly. Closing my eyes, trying to understand what she was planning on doing next. Luckily for me, when I felt her lips on mine I held onto her tightly, because I knew my shaky legs were about to give out. Her arms snaked around my waist Pulling me closer like she was trying to pull me into her body, her skin. There was no space between us.

I don't know how long we kissed or even if we ever stopped to take a few breathing pauses, But one thing I knew for-sure; I couldn't stop smiling as her lips danced with mine. Slow and steady

When we did pull apart, she rested her forehead on mine. Her shallow breathing could be heard just a bit.

"I missed you" The words leaving my mouth without warning.

"I missed you to. And I'm sorry for leaving, I'm sorry I hurt you. But I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere. I'm never leaving your side again" she told me, making sure I understood that her words were a promise.

I took my thumbs and gently wiped the tears from her eyes away. She kissed my palm once more and I just smiled. She was here, and I was tired of holding it in. I needed to tell her, or else she might disappear again.

"I love you" I told her, pecking her lips as soft as possible. I thought it might be too early to say it. But I said it anyways. "I love you".

She didn't say anything. She just smiled mysteriously. I didn't care if she said it back or not. In this moment that was enough. We had all the time in the world. And I'm confident, she'd love me.

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