A Minute of Your Time

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Narrator P.O.V

When Hailee and (y/n) entered the lecture hall, Hailee was both impressed and unimpressed. The classroom look like the ones she'd been in, on set but the feeling of being in the classroom was different. She wasn't shooting a movie or a show; she was actually attending school. It made her in some way excited. 

She saw the many students, old and young begin to take a seat, pulling out their notes, and laptops. Everyone seemed unaware of Hailee's presence, and Hailee couldn't be happier. Still that feeling of being recognized lingered in the back of her mind.

"Hey (y/n) is it okay if we take a seat in the back" she asked trying not to sound nervous. (Y/n) simply nodded her head and headed for the top level. Once seated, (y/n) pulled out her laptop and began to play around with it. Curious, hailee looked over (y/n)'s shoulder trying to see what she was doing. She wasn't playing a game, or doing much of anything. "What class is this Anyways?" Hailee asked.

"Molecular and Cellular Biology of Human Diseases" (y/n) turned to her friend giving her a half smile.

"Wait you were serious about being a doctor" Hailee whisper shouted. (Y/n) only laughed shaking her head just a bit.

"It's only a fallback plan. You know in case this whole musician thing doesn't work out. Gotta make bank somehow" (Y/n) simply shrugged her shoulders. "Don't worry the class is not as boring as it sounds"

Hailee was about to say something, but quickly closed her mouth when she heard the voice of who she assumed was the professor. She watched the tall, slim man who looked like he hadn't slept in days walk to the podium and turn on the projector showing a PowerPoint. The class was quiet, with only the sounds of pencils writing and fingers taping on the keyboard filling in the silence.

However, despite everyone taking notes, Hailee couldn't help but watch (y/n) just sit there staring at a blank screen. 

Fallback plan. Hailee thought to herself.

Hailee couldn't remember what she wanted to be when she grew up. She didn't even know what she would be doing if her career hadn't taken off. Would she still be in school, or working a part time job somewhere just to get by?

"Hey Emily, after class do you wanna go to the music department with me." (Y/n) whispered, not once taking her eyes off her screen. Again, Hailee could see that there wasn't even a single letter or punctuation mark typed.

"Shouldn't you be taking notes" She said raising a brow.

(Y/n) turned to her sheepishly, before pulling up a second tab where the lecture PowerPoint appeared.

"He posts the PowerPoint online." (Y/n) let out a soft laugh. "So, music department?"

"Fine, but do your work, take notes and pay attention."

(Y/n) nodded her head and turned her attention back to the front of the class and began to take her notes. Hailee only smiled.

After class Hailee somehow felt more excited. Though the class was somewhat boring, there were a few things that caught her attention.

"That was nothing like Grays Anatomy. I was falling asleep half way through" Emily sighed, before stretching her arms high into the air.

"Want me to fake a heart attack so you can preform your life saving doctor skills" (y/n) laughed gently pushing Emily off to the side. Emily only rolled her eyes doing the same to the younger girl only a tad bit hard. "Alright, what do you want to eat. There is a food court here with great options."

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