10 ❁ cow jokes

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Taehyung woke up the next morning still feeling rather exhausted. As he rubbed his eyes, he noticed Jeongguk walk into their room, he was already out of his night clothes, wearing a grey hoodie, (with his hood up of course), green shorts and trainers. His deep brown hair was slightly messy, parted in curtains. "Morning loser." Jeongguk sighed as he shut their door.

"What time is it?" Taehyung wondered, he yawned as Jeongguk glanced at the time on his Apple Watch. "Ten am."

"Ten? But we were supposed to be up for six." Taehyung panicked, hoping Mr.Lee wouldn't write this on his report or something. "Don't worry, I told Mr.Lee that you felt sick so he let you sleep a little longer. We missed out on our farm activity but he said we could do it later instead." Jeongguk explained.

Taehyung glanced at the younger boy, before looking at the floor. He awkwardly sat up from the bed slowly. "You didn't have to do that Jeongguk."

"Well I did, so just forget it." Jeongguk muttered m, he turned the night lamp off now that the natural lighting came in through the curtains as Taehyung gulped scratching his arm.

"Now go get ready and have some breakfast, we have a study session at 12." Jeongguk demanded as Taehyung tiredly got up from the bed. "I don't need you to help me with studying—"

"Whatever Taehyung." Jeongguk said in a monotone voice as he picked up his phone to check his messages instead. Taehyung glanced at him before picking up his towel and clothes and heading to the bathroom slowly, Jeongguk watched him walk away before shaking his head.


The rest of the day with Jeongguk was just very awkward. Normally they would call each other names by now and bicker about how stupid the other person is, but since Taehyung's nightmare episode last night, things were just weird. They wouldn't even speak to each other. After Yoongi checked up on Taehyung during breakfast, it was the study session in which they all sat down on the benches with their partners.

Everyone was studying efficiently and effectively, Taehyung even noticed Jay and Yoongi getting along like a house on fire, him sitting closely next to him to help with his questions and where he went wrong.

People were talking to their partner about the question and why they didn't understand it etc. And then there was Jeongguk and Taehyung.

They were sat opposite each other although Jeongguk was slightly further away so that he wasn't sat directly in front of Taehyung. Taehyung gulped as he looked at the questions on his maths sheet, some of them were easy to solve so he did them by himself.

But whenever he was stuck, he just skipped the question. Maybe he'll search the question on Google later to figure out how to solve it. All he knew was that he was not about to turn for Jeongguk for help. It didn't help that his stomach was hurting so bad while he sat uncomfortably opposite Jeongguk, trying to figure out some of these stupid equations.

The worst part was after the study-session they had to lie to Mr.Lee that Jeongguk was actually helping Taehyung with the work, when in reality they barely battered eyelids at each other.

The whole farm trip was just miserable, and not good at all. Plus Taehyung barely got to speak to Yoongi for the day since it seemed like no matter where Yoongi was, Jay was also with him. It's like they became the best of pals all in one night. Finally when it was time for late lunch, Yoongi and Taehyung got to sit together.

"So how are you and Jeongguk getting on? Still hate each other's guts?" Yoongi replied. "Yep." Taehyung said with emphasis on the p.

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