8 ❁ orange lollipop

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The weekend wasn't so bad, whenever Taehyung's father had a bad temper with him it ended up as physical abuse but then for the following days he would leave Taehyung alone. So Taehyung took advantage of that and decided he would stay in his bedroom.

Jimin did invite him out with Yoongi on Saturday but Taehyung was in far too much pain since his dad practically kicked the side of his stomach. He didn't want to be limping away everywhere so he decided it would be best to stay home and recover.

He also woke up with 13 missed calls by Hoseok, Taehyung sighed as he looked at them. It was like he was in some toxic relationship with a guy he'd only just met. He decided to ignore him for the weekend, he couldn't be bothered to deal with him right now.

When Monday arrived, Taehyung began to pack a small suitcase for the study farm trip. Although he was dreading this day after the discovery that Jeongguk was his study partner.

At least he had a few nights away from his father

And no-one could be more worse than him. Not even Jeongguk.

Jimin couldn't stop laughing when Taehyung had told him the news that Jeongguk was his study buddy for the trip. "You'll be okay Taehyung, just try not to get on his bad side okay?" Jimin smirked as Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"I am on his bad side Jiminie that's the problem. Ugh, I literally hate him." Taehyung sighed as him and Yoongi had put their suitcases in the storage cabinet at the bottom of the coach.

They then joined the line to get inside the coach. Luckily Yoongi was also assigned for the study farm although Taehyung wasn't really surprised, he barely attended any of his lessons so his grades began to drop rather low.

Taehyung noticed Hoseok coming up to him as Taehyung noticed, his heart began to beat fast as the raven head approached him. "Hey." Hoseok said. "Hey." Taehyung said quietly as he looked up at him. "Did you get my calls?" Hoseok asked him. "Uh, no my phones been off this weekend." Taehyung lied as he looked at him in silence, Yoongi and Jimin exchanged looks with each other discreetly.

"Oh. Well, I wanted to say sorry about Friday night, I should've left it. I don't want to mess things up with you cutie, I like you a lot and I think we could be the start of something real special. You know that." Hoseok said forcing his fingers through Taehyung's.

Taehyung looked at their hands, god Hoseok was so fucking attractive Taehyung thought. But the spark... it just wasn't there, it's like since the incident on Friday he was losing interest...

Hoseok was impatient, immature and kinda inconsiderate. But here he was, making the effort to come up to Taehyung to apologise, he messed up but he was still trying.

And so he held the taller boy's hand regardless, interlocking them tighter.

"We can start again?" Taehyung thought as Hoseok nodded his head, looking in his eyes. "Yeah, when you come back from the farm. We start again, I'll make you know how much you'll want me." Hoseok said giving a mischievous smirk, Taehyung gave a forceful smile as Hoseok kissed him. Taehyung watched him walk away as Taehyung scooted closer in the line with his friends.

"Well fuck was I wrong, You don't like him at all." Yoongi said as he watched Hoseok walk away. "Is it really obvious?" Taehyung whispered, Jimin nodded, leaning his arm on Yoongi's shoulder. "It's just, I dunno... I feel like I'm not really clicking with him, I do like him but I'm just not sure... plus last night he was kinda pressuring me to have sex with him but I said no, I feel bad—"

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