16 ❁ you can stay a bit longer

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"The pictures turned out really amazing." Jeongguk thought as Taehyung smiled at him while sitting on the younger's bed.

Jeongguk had changed out of jeans and had put on grey sweatpants instead, he'd always wear sweatpants when he was home, the feeling of wearing jeans inside made him icky.

Taehyung nodded his head as he let out a yawn.

"Are you tired?" Jeongguk wondered, scrutinising the older's soft features as the older chuckled lightly.

"A little bit." Taehyung admitted as he rubbed his eyes a little, joining Jeongguk who was leaning on his headboard, Taehyung sat beside him cross-legged as Jeongguk glanced at him with doe-eyes.

"Well... do you wanna have a little rest?" Jeongguk suddenly asked, Taehyung licked his lips, he always did that when he was a bit nervous.

"My bed is clean! My bedding is, my mom washed it for me before the trip." Jeongguk confessed, Taehyung snorted as he didn't move his eyes from the younger. "Sure, a small nap wouldn't hurt." Taehyung thought, an irresistible smile appearing on his face.

And so he shuffled closer to Jeongguk until their bodies were slightly touching when they laid down properly on the bed , Taehyung's cheeks went slightly pink as he tried not to feel so panicky about this. It's fine... it's just napping in Jeongguk's bed, and he's totally comfortable with him. He had to stop being so paranoid.

He felt a blanket be toppled over his body, realising Jeongguk was placing it on the both of them, Taehyung brought himself a bit more closer to Jeongguk, so that they could both share the blanket of course. Their eyes at each other's as they laid face to face.

Taehyung looked at the boys pretty doe eyes just looking into his, he chuckled lightly as he scrunched his mouth to side before deciding to sling his arm around Jeongguk's waist under the blanket. Jeongguk smiled at the gesture as he shuffled closer to Taehyung, their heads on the same blue pillow.

The lights were off, natural lighting already filling the room as Taehyung closed his eyes softly before opening them again, looking at the raven's face infront of him.

Jeongguk suddenly went over and gently cupped the boys cheek. His thumb pads caressed the older's soft, honey-toned cheek. Taehyung couldn't help but gaze at him as he did so, feeling himself get more relaxed and at peace, besides the tormented life he was dealing with, all he could focus on right now was Jeongguk and everything else suddenly became a blur, it turned to mush. Maybe because right now, nothing seemed to be as important.

And so Jeongguk's soft finger pads couldn't help but trace soft lines against Taehyung's face. They slid across the older's soft forehead, the structure of his nose (in which Jeongguk studied all the pretty features the boy had). The pads of his fingers brushed against the pretty beauty mark mole on the tip of his nose.

His finger pads slid gently under the boys eyes, as he noticed the small mole near it. Every flaw looked like pretty decorations, he was so god damn pretty.

Jeongguk didn't even realise he was doing it for so long until he moved his hand away. "Sorry." Jeongguk whispered unapologetically, yet Taehyung pouted softly.

He slid his arm off Jeongguk's waist to catch Jeongguk's hand again that moved from his face. He then brought the palm of his hand to his cheek again. "I don't want you to stop. It feels nice." Taehyung said softly his stomach swirling, Jeongguk chuckled as he carried on brushing Taehyung's soft face because Taehyung liked it, and maybe because he liked doing it too. He realised the boy was starting to doze off.

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