29 ❁ left & right

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Everyone left Hwasa's house to get ready for the plan while. Jeongguk decided to stay with her a bit longer. He watched her nervously tap her nails on the table.

"Do you think I should confront my mom? She knew that Taehyung's father was gonna take him to a psychiatric hospital, and said nothing about it... how could she do that?" Hwasa said with hurt in the tone of her voice.

"I'm not sure ... but let's focus on getting Taehyung back before we solve other problems okay?" Jeongguk assured her. Hwasa nodded ,releasing a sigh while she rubbed the temples of her head. "This is insane." She muttered.

While Hwasa decided to make a small lunch for herself in the kitchen, Jeongguk called his Namjoon waiting for a response.

"Joon listen, I really need your help." The younger said, his eyes widened that he even picked up the phone.

Namjooon was hesitant at first but then he agreed. Jeongguk sighed with relief.

Everything was started to look up and maybe, just maybe they'll find Taehyung alive and all in one piece. Everyone was finally ready for the motive, wearing dark colours to not look too obvious. They met up in downtown Huam at the designated time.

Namjoon parked at the street as everyone came out of the car... "Okay, Hoseok tell us exactly where you saw it all happen." Jeongguk suggested to him. "Alright." Hoseok replied in a calm tone.

He looked around the streets before walking, in which the group followed behind him. Hoseok began to head to a very enclosed building, it seemed completely locked off.

In fact, everyone knew it was there but didn't know exactly what it was. Anyone would have passed it for an abandoned building.

"What the hell is this place?" Jeongguk whispered as they walked down a steep path near the building quietly.

"No idea, but this is definitely the place I saw it go off." Hoseok shrugged.

"There has to be a way in without going through the entrance way, I mean it's completely closed off, there's no way of getting in." Jeongguk thought, narrowing his eyes at the building.

"Let's try and find the back of the building first." Hwasa replied, they found an alternative route to take. But once they took the route, they realized the back was closed off by a rusty, silver fence.

"Shit..." Yoongi muttered, biting his upper lip. "There is no way you're getting through that."

"Hold on a sec." Jeongguk said quietly, he peered his eyes at a slightly cracked window that clearly would give them access to inside of the building. Getting over the fence was already easy peasy.

"You think we can get in there?" Hwasa wondered, realising what Jeongguk was staring at.

"'Course, you wanna save Taehyung, right?" Jeongguk then asked her, looking into her eyes.

"Is that even a question?" She wondered. "Then it's possible." Jeongguk shrugged, seeming unfazed. Jeongguk then looked at the others that seemed to not have an ounce of faith that this plan would work out. "Let me help you guys, I can come." Hoseok insisted. "Okay." Jeongguk said giving a nod.

"Yoongi, Jimin, tell Namjoon to get the car ready and be on the lookout okay? If we don't make it out then... the. we're probably all dead so, call an ambulance or the police." Jeongguk determined, in which Jimin snorted shaking his head.

"What? I'm being one hundred percent serious!" Jeongguk hissed.

"Alright, alright!" Jimin said, putting his hands up.

"Good luck guys and just be safe and careful. Geez, this is not a good idea." Yoongi thought as him and the others now watched them climb up the fence. Luckily it wasn't that tall, so it wouldn't be that difficult, although it quite tricky for Hwasa, she was only 5 foot 2

They successfully got over the fence and shared a high-five with glee.

"Shit they actually did it." Yoongi muttered, biting his lip.

Maybe this would be easier than they expected. There was a dumpster that they could easily stand on in order to reach the cracked window.

"Do we really have to climb on top of that?." Hwasa complained, her lips resulting to a pout.

"Don't worry, it'll be okay and once we save Taehyung, you can take a nice long shower." The older assured, although even he felt disgusting climbing up the dumpster that lingered a revolting smell.

"It kinda smells like my brothers room." Hoseok smirked, before also helping Hwasa get on top of it.

They focused on their balance since the dumpster was quite lop-sided, and it didn't seem stable enough to hold the weight of two people. Hoseok decided for Hwasa to try and get through the window first since she was the smallest.

Luckily, she managed to slither her small frame inside. Once she did, she grunted tiredly while trying to slide the heavy window door upwards so that Hoseok and Jeongguk could also inside easier.

He managed to slide in and drop on the floor carefully, not making too much noise. They we're in a small room that seemed to be a janitor's closet.

It was filled with cleaning products and other rusty equipment's like ladders and poles. They walked towards the door nervously, and noticed through the window that it led to a corridor.

"God, this is scary, I feel like I'm in a movie." Hwasa shiverered, toning her voice down as she noticed a nurse walk along the corridor. But she was oblivious to their appearance.

"Yeah this is weird" Hoseok whispered. "Okay, Hwasa and Hoseok you look left, I'll look right. There's no use if we look together it'll just waste time. We need to just find him, and get the hell out of here. We're not leaving until we find him alright?"

Hwasa nodded her head at Jeongguk. "Gotcha" she whispered. That's when they all parted ways, walking carefully down different corridor routes and just hoped they wouldn't get caught.

[next chapter: 1680 words]

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