11 ❁ being oh to each other

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By the end of the night, Jeongguk realised that Taehyung wasn't getting ready for bed. "Are you going to Jay's farm thing too?" Jeongguk asked him, scratching the back of his head awkwardly.

Taehyung looked at him, nodding his head gently. "Yeah, I thought why not... make the most out of this dreadful trip." Taehyung thought giving a light chuckle as he held the side of his stomach, sometimes it even hurt to laugh.

"Yeah, I suppose so." Jeongguk said as they awkwardly looked at each other before tidying the cabin a little. They then decided to sneak out their room and walk to it together, they might as well, they were going the same way anyway.

Five minutes later, they made it to the small gathering only seven of them showed up including Jay and Jimin, the rest decided sleep was more important. They had to keep the noise down so they drank some soju bottles and chattered amongst each other.

Yoongi introduced Jay to Taehyung in which they got along once he realised Jay really was a very nice person. They tried to play music, the trio bobbed their heads to the music, making small talk as  Taehyung side-eyed Jeongguk who was now strolling on his skateboard up and down the path, with his AirPods popped in his ears.

This kid literally brought his skateboard everywhere, even to the farm trip... Taehyung wasn't surprised.

Yet it wasn't long until Mr.Lee noticed the crowded students with bottles in their hands in the dark.

He flashed his torchlight on the students, exposing them as everyone started to panic and run off.

"Everyone in your beds now! It's eleven pm! What on earth were you thinking!" Mr.Lee shouted, they squealed as they made their way back to their cabins before their teacher could identify their faces.

Taehyung followed Jeongguk back into their bedroom as they laughed while slamming the door before Mr.Lee could lecture them.

"Well that lasted for like five minutes. What a fail." Taehyung snorted as Jeongguk nodded his head. "Well look what I got." Jeongguk whispered, he propped his skateboard against the desk before rummaging for soju bottles in his backpack.

"How the hell did you get all that?" Taehyung thought, his eyes widened as he watched Jeongguk place at least six bottles of soju onto the desk. "They were in the drinks crate? so I just threw as much as I could in my backpack because I knew that gathering thing was never gonna last."

"I've never had alcohol like this before... you want one?" Jeongguk asked taking the bottle off as he put one to his hand. "I'm good thanks, I already had a bottle. I don't want to get too drunk, the percentage is pretty high for these bottles." Taehyung explained as he went over to collect his clothes from his suitcase. "So you're a lightweight Huh?" Jeongguk snorted.

"No, M'not! I just don't wanna get drunk on a study trip." Taehyung tutted rolling his eyes. "If you say so." Jeongguk thought giving a light smile as he sipped some more. After they both changed and Jeongguk finished his soju so he could brush his teeth, Taehyung made it back into his bed.

"My bed is still broken." Jeongguk admitted as he sat on the floor beside Taehyung's bed, Taehyung giggled as he went off his bed. "It is?"

"Yeah, but it's fine, not really sleepy to be honest, more in a talkative mood than anything." Jeongguk replied as Taehyung sat next to him on the floor, putting a pillow under his bottom for comfort. "Why? Are you tipsy?" Taehyung wondered, Jeongguk shrugged as he looked in the older's eyes. "Maybe, if it is any of your concern." Jeongguk snorted, feeling the effects of the Soju already. I guess he was the lightweight.

"Mhm." Taehyung said giving a chuckle.


"This is weird." Jeongguk thought giving a smile. "What?" Taehyung thought, his brows slightly furrowed. "You said the rules on the trip was for us to not speak. And here we are... us. Talking. Having an actual conversation." Jeongguk replied, Taehyung's lips pressed to form a line as he looked at his lap.

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