7 ❁ a cold world

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dad: just came back from the store, where the fuck are you??

dad: i'm gonna burn your clothes if you don't get to the house now

dad: don't think because you've turned 18 you're an adult now, I'm your dad and you live under my house so you do what I fucking say all the time

dad: who the hell do you think you are?

dad: you make me sick to my stomach you spoilt piece of shit

dad: don't disobey me

dad:  when you get home it will be a living nightmare, you haven't seen nothing yet

dad: you'll be next i swear to god don't underestimate me

Taehyung was used to this routine, it practically happened every few days. His father was an alcoholic, he'd have his days where he'd get belligerently drunk and send Taehyung hateful text messages to tear him down.

It was scary, but he was used to them by now, but he clearly drank far too much today and so theses message were ten times worse that the previous ones.

Fear flooded Taehyung's system as he re-read the messages 'You'll be next' over and over and over again. His skin was frozen and his body felt completely paralysed.

"Taehyung? You okay, you look like you've seen a ghost." Hoseok said as he noticed Taehyung looking at his phone. "U-Uh yeah, I'm fine." Taehyung said trying to force a smile as his eyes started to get dewy and glowy. "Who's texting you, is it a friend?" Hoseok wondered.

"Y-yeah, just asking me about something. It's no worry." Taehyung said giving a smile as he glanced at the floor. "C-can we leave?" Taehyung asked desperately needing to breathe outside air than air filled with milkshakes and beef burgers, his hands were rather clammy as Hoseok nodded his head.

"Sure." Hoseok said as they decided to split the bill and head out of the restaurant. It was much more chilly now, radiant colourful convenience stores now presenting neon colours through the darkened sky. "You need to go home? Or you can stay with me if you like. I have a double bed." Hoseok said as Taehyung glanced at him giving a small smile.

It was either he stayed at Hoseok's for the night, or he went back home and he was dreading seeing his father tonight knowing all he was about to do was lash out on him.

"I-I can stay the night." Taehyung said, he was hesitant but he didn't know what else to do, not right now. And so Hoseok smiled. "Great." He said softly as he took Taehyung's hand in his.

It was nice to have Hoseok's company, although Taehyung wasn't exactly sure if this situation with Hoseok was 100% the right thing to do, he went with it anyway. And so he walked with him, hand in hand to Hoseok's car as they drove off to his family house. "My parents aren't here, so we have the whole house to ourselves."

"They won't be back until Monday." Hoseok explained as he parked up at his driveway, it only took less than ten minutes to arrive there. "Oh okay." Taehyung said quietly as he followed Hoseok out of the car. It was an average size Seoul family house, clean and traditional with a few modern counters and chairs.

Taehyung followed Hoseok up the steps as they went into his bedroom, it was a good- size with a grande bookshelf along the wall and desks against the window, his room even had a wide plasma TV directly in-front of his double bed.

"Well then." Hoseok sighed as he took his jacket and shoes off, Taehyung followed and did the same as he smiled shyly standing beside Hoseok. "Let's unwind, shall we?" Hoseok decided as he held Taehyung's waist and started to kiss him. Taehyung's eyes widened.

He'd never kissed someone before, and this wasn't what he envisioned his first kiss to be.

I mean, Taehyung always longed to find true love, he believed in it a lot, the fluttering, the happiness and sparks your supposed to feel.

And even though he had that when he first laid eyes on Hoseok, kissing him just didn't feel right. He didn't feel that chemical anymore.

He didn't feel like he was kissing him, but just lips, and it felt weird, really, really weird. He started to feel Hoseok's tongue be forced down his throat after pleading for entry which made Taehyung's eyes squint and body squirm, but he didn't want to be horrible so he allowed it.

He allowed Hoseok to explore his mouth as he tried to touch his tongue with his, it didn't feel right but he tried anyway. At this point Taehyung didn't mind, he just wanted to be cared for, to be loved. And this wasn't the right way, yet, he didn't mind because it couldn't be worse that going home to his drunk dad right now.

He suddenly felt Hoseok's hands unzip his trousers as Taehyung suddenly caught on and moved his lips away.

"W-what are you doing?" Taehyung asked worriedly as Hoseok bushed his brows wanting to connect his lips with Taehyung again. "W-what do you think? M'taking your pants down cutie? M'horny." Hoseok whispered against his ear before nibbling it. And Taehyung had never felt so turned off before. "We'll, I'm not." Taehyung said awkwardly moving his ear away from him.

"Don't be stupid, I know you like me cutie. Don't worry I'll get you horny too just give me some time—"

"I don't want you to. I, I don't want to do it, I'm not ready." Taehyung said slightly louder as he moved away from him completely. Hoseok bushed his brows as he stared at him. "What is wrong with you? I can teach you gay sex it's not hard... I don't get it, you said you wanted to stay the night—"

"Yes stay the night to cuddle and have some sleep, not for sex Hoseok, I don't even know you like that—"

"What are we twelve? That's not what 'stay the night' means Taehyung. If I knew you wanted to stay the night for a fucking cuddle I would've told you to go home." Hoseok chuckled as Taehyung's eyes watered not finding this a funny matter at all, he felt a but embarrassed really. He was so stupid into thinking he could like someone. He was better off being alone.

"Fine, I will then." Taehyung sniffed as he picked up his coat.

"Cutie, come on I didn't mean it like that we can still cuddle—."

Taehyung ignored him as he shuffled his shoes back on and swiftly made his way out of Hoseok's bedroom and down the stairs, he could hear him shouting his name but he ignored it leaving his house and shutting the front door.

He sighed as he went off his porch and breathed in the crispy cold air. He was dreading being home more than anything, but what else could he do? It's not like he had enough money to book at hotel for the night, and he mostly certainly wasn't about to go back to Hoseok after he embarrassed him like that.

So he took a bus back home and literally prayed his father would be asleep. Normally he'd sneak out to his window at times like this, but he forgot that he shut it this morning so he had choice but to go through my the front door.

As he went inside and closed the door, he noticed his father coming down the stairs and froze. "Please dad, let me explain—"

Before he could speak his father pushed him on the floor and kicked his stomach harshly. Taehyung whimpered in pain as he coughed, tears brimming his eyes as he tried his hardest not to sob out with every kick.

"Next time answer your fucking messages Taehyung." He spat on him before leaving him on the ground alone to go upstairs clumsily. Taehyung still whimpered to himself on the cold floor shaking uncontrollably.

[next chapter: 1600 words]

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