15 ❁ you remind me of a bear

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Around an hour later, they made it back to Jeongguk's house, they took their suitcases out the back and left it inside near the front door. "Are your foster parents home?" Taehyung wondered, shutting the front door behind them.

"Not until later on, they're at a family dinner right now." Jeongguk explained as the younger nodded his head. They saw Bogum walk out of the kitchen. "Hey dickhead, who's this?" The boy asked munching on a bag of popcorn.

"This is my friend, Taehyung, Taehyung this is my brother Jeongguk." Jeongguk sighed with disappointment. Taehyung gave a wave. He couldn't help but notice the striking resemblance between the brothers.

However, Bogum has shorter hair than Jeongguk's who had more length. He was chubbier with a sharper jaw line and very slight stubble beard.

Jeongguk on the other hand, had a less sharper jawline although it was still very defined and an evident baby face which he guess Jeongguk got from doe brown eyes, unlike Bogum. Bogum was also less slimmer than Jeongguk.

"It's, nice to meet you." Taehyung insisted, pressing his lips together to form a thin line before smiling. Bogum nodded. "You too, I'll catch you boys later. I'm gonna finish my popcorn and then beat my meat." He said casually which made Taehyung smirk as he glanced at the floor.

"I hate my family so bad" Jeongguk squirmed giving his brother a glare. "Oh shut up, It's natural Jeon, even you jerk off. Holy shit Taehyung, you should check Jeongguk's search history, gay porn videos galore." Bogum smirked before walking up the stairs. Jeonguk just wanted to dissolve right there and then. No like literally could a black hole just appear and drop him in?

"That's not true, like at all!" Jeongguk sneered at Bogum who was already making his way to the top of the stairs.

His face flushed warm. He then glanced at Taehyung. "Sorry, it's not true by the way. One thing about my family is that they have a Masters Degree in embarrassing me in front of any human being... they're just horrible people." He sighed as Taehyung followed behind him, up the stairs. "It's okay Jeongguk, I believe you." Taehyung chuckled shyly.

He had never actually been inside the older's bedroom and breathtaking, it even had an en-suite bathroom. It was like any teenagers dream bedroom. But the decor is what really caught your attention.

It was so visually pleasing. It was simple, but the simplistic aesthetic is what made the room look so sharp, neat and pristine.

"Wow, your room is so spacious and amazing." Taehyung gasped looking around him. "You think? Thank you." Jeongguk thought as he smiled, placing his belongings on the bed as Taehyung did it too.

"Maybe a nice drawing on the wall and this room would be completed." Taehyung suggested. "True, I've been wanting to put some art on there but have no idea what to get really." Jeongguk said scratching the side of his head. "I do art but, its more fashion designs than anything."

"Really? Do you have pictures?" Jeongguk said curiously. "Yeah! On my phone, hold on I'll show you." Taehyung said as he went over to his phone on the bed, Jeongguk sat down as Taehyung sat beside him unlocking the device.

Jeongguk analysed the photos, There was an easel's with different sketches, drawings of models in different outfits. They were sketched so professionally and precisely, Jeongguk was in awe with the talent the older had.

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