25 ❁ nah sorry i'm not having this

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Jeongguk was at the skatepark with Namjoon, Rose and his other friends. He leaned his chin on his bent knees that were close to his chest as he glanced at the messages with Taehyung. He noticed the boy wasn't online, in fact he wasn't online for any of his socials.


I'm sorry about what Namjoon said |
I'm sorry about what Namjo |
I'm sorry about |
I'm sorry |

Jeongguk sighed as he figured out what to type.

Just wanna check your okay
Just let me know

Jeongguk sighed as he glanced at the delivered message before staring at people at the skatepark again, watching them squeal and have fun with their friends. A few hours later, Namjoon joined him on the benches. "You good? It's been hours and you haven't joined us to skate." Namjoon thought as Jeongguk glanced at the floor sadly. "Are you thinking about Taehyung?"


"He hasn't been online for hours. I sent him a message and he hasn't answered." Jeongguk sighed, he ruffled the back of his head as Namjoon scrutinised the raven head before glancing at the floor with him. "Do you think he's with Hoseok?"

Jeongguk didn't even want to think about that being a possibility right now. But if he's safe, he couldn't complain.

"If he's with Hoseok right now, he doesn't deserve you Jeongguk—"

"Stop." Jeongguk sighed. "What? It's true—"

"It's not, it's not true I do deserve him. I..." Jeongguk sighed as Namjoon looked at him confusedly as he tried to make out what Jeongguk was saying. "Just stop being so hard on him Namjoon. And I didn't appreciate what you did after school at all." Jeongguk said looking at him as he said that. Namjoon sighed as he glanced at his shoes.

"I'm gonna go." Jeongguk said softly as he picked up his bag. "Well let me get the others, we can go together—"

"No, I wanna walk by myself." Jeongguk insisted as he got up and left without emitting another word.


When he came back home, he was even more worried because Taehyung wasn't returning his text messages.

He text both Jimin and Yoongi if they've heard from him because he hasn't replied to his messages. And Jimin and Yoongi said the same thing to him. Jeongguk's stomach churned as he laid in his bed, heart thumping. He could barely sleep at night, even though he did want to sleep he simply couldn't because all he did was worry.

Worry that Taehyung was going to do something stupid, or that he could be in danger, or hurt by his father. He knew he needed to stop worrying and just pray.

Pray that the boy would be at school the very next day. Even if they weren't on speaking terms, even if he showed up to school with Hoseok, hand in hand. He didn't care 'cause at least he was okay.

Making matters worse, there was no sign of him the next day. Yoongi and Jimin charged up to Jeongguk who was walking with Namjoon. "Where the fuck is he Jeongguk? We text Hoseok and he said Taehyung didn't even meet him yesterday." Jimin panicked as he looked in Jeongguk's eyes desperately. Jeongguk shrugged worriedly. "I don't know, I really don't know. Didn't any of you guys see him leave yesterday? We could ask around."

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