22 ❁ falling

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As Taehyung left the class, he went over to the hallway and noticed Namjoon, Rose and Jeongguk chattering away together.

He slowly approached them giving a smile as they waved and said hi back. "Hey guys, can I borrow Jeongguk for a sec? I promise it will only be for a second, then he's all yours." Taehyung said politely, Namjoon chuckled as he glanced at Jeongguk. "Of course you can Taehyung, don't be silly." Rose said sweetly before flicking Namjoon's forehead. "Ow." Namjoon groaned as he watched them walk off.

They smiled at each other before they turned the corner. "You okay?" Jeongguk said softly looking in Taehyung's deep brow eyes. "I said I'd hang out with them tonight, is that cool?—"

"Of course it is Jeongguk don't be silly, as long as I can have you tomorrow." Taehyung giggled, Jeongguk snorted, he ruffled his hair nervously before flicking Taehyung's chin sweetly.

"We'll good, cause I wanna take you to the skatepark tomorrow, m'gonna teach you to skate." Jeongguk said happily, his nose crinkling as Taehyung looked at him fondly, he did not like the idea of skating at all.

"Skating? Jeongguk I'll literally die if I try to use that skateboard of yours." Taehyung snorted as Jeongguk laughed, he stepped closer to him shyly as Taehyung looked in the younger's pretty round eyes.

"That's why I'm gonna help you, you'll realise how super fun it is." Jeongguk said, Taehyung wasn't sure. He wasn't really the physical type, and skating seemed beyond risky and dangerous.

Yet, when he looked in Jeongguk's precious eyes, it didn't matter. Anything, and anywhere would be amazing when he was with him. "Alright, but you gotta promise to help me, 'cause I'm not trying to break my hip." Taehyung thought as Jeongguk nodded, chuckling softly as he looked at the older, their fingers almost brushing that gave Taehyung a mini-heart attack.

"Are you sure you'll be safe tonight?—"

"Yeah, I'm gonna see Hoseok because he's sick, h-he hadn't been at school today." Taehyung stammered with his words, Jeongguk's face flushed as he nodded his head and pressed his lips into a thin line together. "Oh... okay then." He said in a monotone voice with a hint of frustration, suddenly, he walked away from him.

"What, that's it?" Taehyung wondered. Jeongguk's turned around to face him as he stopped walking. "What do you want me so say?" Jeongguk asked his hands now buried into his pockets, his throat tightening, he looked at Taehyung confusedly. Taehyung then pulled his arm back to the wall they were at, he looked in his eyes.

"Tell me what's the matter?" Taehyung asked him.

... Taehyungs brows furrowed at him as he waited for Jeongguk's response. "Why are you seeing Hoseok?" Jeongguk asked him. "He's sick." Taehyung replied blankly.

"So that's it? You're gonna heat him some chicken soup? Ask him how his day was, maybe rub his back too?—"

"Jeongguk communicate properly with me or I won't understand—" Taehyung said, he stopped talking as a few teenagers walked past them in groups. They looked in each other's eyes as they waited for them to walk past, Taehyung watched them walk away before he could carry on speaking to Jeongguk again.

"Y'know what? Don't even worry about it Taehyung... if you can't figure it out for yourself, there's no use—" Jeongguk said about to walk away again but Taehyung pinned him back to the wall and held his arms firmly so he wouldn't go away.

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