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Third POV:

"So... what you're trying to say is that you fell here from another word?"

"But when you wanted to leave and go on to the next world. Your path is blocked by some unknown god?"


As the three siblings finished exploring the world and ready to go to the next world. Someone appeared and blocked there path.

"Outlanders, your journey ends here." The unknown god said to the three siblings.

"Who are you?" Lumine asked.

"The sustainer of heavenly principles. The irrigation of mankind ends now." The unknown god said, and attacked them.

The three dodge her attack. Aether and Lumine appeared their wings and draw out their swords. As for Y/n, her small wings appeared and summon her bow and sword.

The three siblings charge to attack the unknown god, and the unknown god attacked them with cubes. The cubes started to chase the three of them, the siblings managed to avoid it and went to charge to unknown god. The unknown god looked at Y/n and was about to attack her. Suddenly Aether grabbed Y/n's hand and dodge it. As for Lumine, she was surrounded with the cubes.

"Aether! Protect Y/N!" Lumine yelled.

"Lumine/Big sis!!" Aether and Y/n said in the same time. Soon Lumine is gone.

Aether launch attack to the unknown god but the unknown god took his powers and look at Y/n. Aether notice that the unknown god is looking at his little sister and he yelled.

"Y/N, RUN!!!" And with that, Aether was gone.

"Big brother!!" Y/n cried out for her brother.

Y/n was about to run just her brother told her to do, but the unknown god took her powers and surrounded her with the cubes.

"Wait, don't go! Give my big siblings back!" Y/n was now surrounded with darkness.

Y/n's POV:

"Wake up!"


"I said wake up!"

"Veliona? Is Y/n dead?"

"No, your not dead, idiot."

"Oh, then where are we?"

"In your mind. Now wake up you sleepyhead!"

I opened my eyes to see that I was in an island. I stand up walk around to see if anyone is here, but there is no one in this island.

"Veliona?" I called her name.

'What?' Veliona said inside Y/n's mind.

"Do you still have your powers?" Y/n asked.

'I still have them. It looks like the unknown god doesn't know that I'm inside you.'


'But you know, she kinda looks familiar to me.'

"Really? Then do you know who she-" I was cut off by an unknown voice I heard.

"Help! Someone help!"

I ran off to see where the voice came from to see who it was. I saw a small fairy who looks like they where about to drown.

"Hold on!" I said, and saw a fishing pole laying on the ground. I grabbed the fishing pole and catch the fairy. I managed to catch them, lift them up and put her to the ground.

"Phew, Paimon thought she was about to get drowned. Thank you for helping me, kid. My name is Paimon." The small fairy called Paimon said.

"My name is Y/n."

Our Little Sunshine (Genshin Impact x Child! Reader) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now