Author's note

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Hello everyone, Author here!

You might be wondering if this book is discontinued or not. I want to say, it's not. Listen, the reason I went hiatus because of school and I was graduating in junior high, right now I'm a senior high and the track I choose is Arts & Design.

I kinda regret thinking that in senior high is easy, but it's NOT! Plus I have tons of activity and homework right now. And my 1st quarter exam is on October 27-28. Please understand that I won't be updating that much, I really wanted to graduate in high school and go to college.

This is all I want to say, see you on December everyone!

I got Cyno and Venti on one pull -w-

If you want to play with me on Genshin here's my UID.

UID: 847041675 (Asia Server)
Username: TeriTeri

Our Little Sunshine (Genshin Impact x Child! Reader) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now