Chapter 2

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Y/n's POV:

While we were walking around the forest. Paimon saw something.

"Huh? Look at that!" Paimon said.

We hid behind the tree and saw a blue dragon and male. It looks like the male was talking to the dragon.

"... Don't be afraid. It's alright now, I'm back." The unknown male said to the dragon.

"Is he talking... to a dragon?" Paimon asked.

Suddenly my hands started glowing, it alerted the dragon and started roaring.

"Who's there?" The male asked, he knew that me and Paimon are here.

The unknown male disappeared, and the dragon started flying with it's wings and flies away.

"That was close! Paimon almost got blown away! Luckily Paimon managed to grab hold of your arm! Thanks." Paimon said.

"Good thing the dragon didn't notice us." I said.

"Just what was that? Paimon thought we were gonna get eaten. It definitely has something to do with that weirdo who was talking to the dragon..." She said.

"Y/n can't believe dragons exist in this world..." I said.

"Yeah, Paimon gets why you're worried..." She said, then she was something glowing.

"Oh? What's that? There's some kind of shiny red thingy on the big rock over there... Let's go take a little look." She said.

Me and Paimon went towards to that big rock where the red shiny thing is. When we went there it's a red glowing crystal.

"Paimon's never seen a stone like this before, so Paimon can't tell what it is. All Paimon knows is that it's dangerous. Best we put it away for it." Paimon said.

I nod my head and took the crystal with me.

"Okay, we've got it! Now let's get out of here." She said.

Me and Paimon left the place. As we were walking/floating, we heard an unfamiliar voice.

"Hey, you! Stop right there!"

We turned around where the voice is coming from. We saw a brown haired female jump off the cliff. She landed down on the ground safely and look at us.

"May the Anemo God protect you, kid! I am Amber, Outrider for the Knights of Favonius." The female named Amber, introduced herself.

"You don't look like citizens of Mondsadt. Explain yourself!" She said.

"We're not looking for trouble." Paimon said.

"That's what all the troublemakers say." Amber said, as she crossed her arms.

"H-Hello. I'm Y/n" I stuttered. I'm not really used to talking to new people.

"Doesn't sound like a local name to me. And this... mascot, what's the deal with it?" Amber said.

I was about to say that she's my friend but Veliona control my body and said.

"She's an emergency food."

"Hey! That's even worse than being a mascot!" Paimon stomping her small feet on the air.

"So to sum it up, you're traveling partners, right? Well look, there's been a large dragon sighted around Mondsadt recently. Best you get inside the city as soon as possible. It's not far from here, I'll escort you there." Amber said.

"Oh? Aren't you out here for some other reasons?" Paimon asked Amber.

"I am. But not to worry, I can keep you both safe while doing that too. Besides... I'm still not sure if I can trust you two just yet!" Amber said.

"That's a rather rude way to speak way to speak to guests." Veliona said in sarcastic tone, she's still controlling my body.

"Oh, ahh... I'm sorry. Probably not something I should say as a knight. I give you my apologies, uh... strange yet... respectable travelers." Amber apologize to us.

"That's sounded so fake!" Paimon said.

"Do you have something against the type of language usage prescribed by the knights of Favonius Handbook!?" Amber said to Paimon.

"So, suspicious travelers, what are you doing in Mondsadt?" Amber asked.

"Y/n got separated from her siblings during a really, really long journey. Paimon is her travel buddy, helping her to find her siblings." Paimon answered her question.

"Oh, looking for your family, huh." Amber said.

"Sorry, what were we saying?" Paimon asked.

"Oh... Okay! Let me finish my other stuff first, and then I can help you put up posters around the city..." Amber said.

"Thank you, Miss Amber." I said in a quiet tone. Veliona is no longer controlling my body now.

"No problem, kiddo." Amber said.

As the three of us are walking, I wanted to ask a question to Veliona.

'Veliona?' I called her name.

'Yes?' Veliona replied.

'Why did you control Y/n's body? And said to Paimon that she's an emergency food?' I asked.

'Well she is an emergency food. If we have no more food, she's going to be our emergency food.'


'See? She's our emergency food.'

'Y/n doesn't know anymore...'

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