Chapter 17

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A/N: I still can't get over it. Ok yes I'm still emotionally wrecked. Mind the language here.

Question of the chapter: Any wishes you want to give for Zayn?
Harry's POV

I woke up in my bed still feeling tired, i dont know why. My eyes got blurry but I rubbed it to fix my sight. But it didn't. It didn't fix. It's still blurry. What happened to my eyes!

"Harry? Hey mate what you--"

"Zayn? Zayn is that you?" I screamed. I heard footsteps from the side coming at me. "Hey.... what's wrong?" He rested his hand at my back and tried to calm me down. "Zayn.., I can't see." Tears started to come down. I don't know what to do. They just move. "Zayn.... eyes......." "Wait I'll get the doctor." He ran outside the room and looked for the doctor.

I can't see. My eyesight. It's not the same anymore. If I get off this bed I can't see properly. I need to wear glasses now. I can't play sports anymore. I can't wear the sunglasses my mom gave me. I can't anymore.

"Harry.... don't worry the doctor is here." After how many minutes of inspecting me. I waited for the words the doctor has to say. "The crack on your skull is getting worse Harry."

"Doc.... Is he.... Is he gonna be fine?" Zayn asked. I waited for the response of the doctor and he sighed deeply. "The materials are not here yet. Yes he is going to be fine but if it worsens even more we have no other choice."

"No other choice but to what doctor?" Zayn asked, he is tremblung in fear, I can tell. "But to cancel the delivery and let him--"

"LET HIM WHAT DOCTOR?!?! LET HIM DIE IN THIS GODDAMN HOSPITAL?!" Zayn shouted angrily. "Zayn please calm down.."

"NO I AM NOT WILLING TO LET ANOTHER FRIEND LEAVE!" Zayn tears up a bit. "I'll leave you two here. Please excuse me." The doctor said and left us. I can feel him. The pain is having right now. "Zayn..."

"I don't want to be alone. I don't want another friend to leave me."

"I wont..." I reassured him. "I won't leave you. No matter what the circumstances are, I will never leave you." I smiled at him then he hugged me. I massaged his back in circles. Hope he's fine. Hope he feels better soon.

Louis' POV

"You told me we are just here for a couple of days!" I shouted at my mom. I know I shouldn't but I can't keep it. We just arrived from the restaurant and Niall went upstairs to sleep. It's night time here and we couldn't sleep because mom has something to say. "I know I did Lou. I know but I we have to stay here. Just for how many months."

"Mom I don't wanna stay here for how many months. I want to go home.I have a school to go to." I said.

"No you don't have." My mom bowed her head down. I looked at Her confusingly. "I called the principal to drop you off of school." My eyes widened. No... She didn't done it... Did she? Well she said it to me so she did. She is not joking about it. "I have a school here that I registered you in. I asked if you could come tomorrow and start your school year."

"Mom..." She looked at me and stood up. "What's done is done Louis. Please go to sleep you have school tomorrow." She passed by me but I made her stop with one question. "Do they know about this?"

"They will. I'm going to tell them now. Go to bed Louis." And with that she went to their room. I stayed there, sitting at the couch, thinking about what has happened, what will happen. I can't cope up with this. My mom lied just so we can go here. I don't know why but she didn't have to lie. She can tell me the truth. I won't fight her about it but why does she need to?

3rd POV

Months have passed. The two boys are facing into a different direction, following the path they are in. Louis stayed in the school his mom got him in. Luckily for him, Niall was there. They had fun and Niall introduced him to alot of new people. Ed, Michael, Calum, Ashton and Luke. They formed a group just for them. Louis was then turned into a more stronger and braver than before.

While Harry, well his turned his world into a whole new one. He got glasses to support his eyes. His brave self has turned into a shy one. Remember he was in a varsity team? Not anymore. Now he is just walking around on campus trying to avoid the laughs and rumors the students are punching him with. Zayn was there to protect him but sometimes it is not enough. He would get bullied even on social network.

The school year ended. Summer has begun and after a couple of months school has yet begun. Louis and Niall went to England. His mom and sisters didn't go with so that leaves only the two of them staying in their old house.

As for Liam, his relationship remains a secret. He acts straight, he looks straight but behind those closed doors he has a secret that could ruin his reputation for life.
A/N: Finally it has come! Waited for this thing? Yeah I guess lol.

Hope you guys enjoyed it and I had a rough day thinking what will I put in this so here!

Please vote and comment I would appreciate it so much and the support as well.

As for now, I'll see you guys on the next chapter.


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