Chapter 9

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A/N: So just to clarify things.. The part with Louis was when after the incident and everybody is still at school and the part with Harry was when school was officially done for the day.. Get it? Hope there's nothing confusing much in here.

Question of the chapter:
If you were in one of their concerts, what would you most likely do?
Louis' POV

"So... What are we gonna talk about here? And would you please go away?"

Zayn said to Liam. I know it's a bit harsh but he does, somewhat, have a point there. Why isn't he leaving? What's up with him?

"Ohh sorry....I'm just waiting for my cousin that's all..."

"So you can wait for your cousin over there right? Right over there."

He points the bench farthest of him. Liam frowned and went away to the bench where Zayn had pointed.

"You know, you could have gone easy with him. He did help me."

"I'm sorry. I'm just frustrated that's all.."

"So.... what were you gonna tell me about?"

Zayn looked at me with nervous eyes. He sat down right beside me and twiddled his two thumbs. I can almost see him sweating alot. This is just too weird and awkward.

"It's.. uhh... it's about... You go first instead yeah?"

"You sure?"

He nodded and gave me his two ears to hear about the news.

"Well... I'm leaving.."

"Well that's great...WAIT WHAT?! YOU'RE LEAVING?? WHEN? WHERE? WHY?"

"Right now when my sisters arrive from school.."

He burried his face to his hands as his elbows rested on his knees. Is he trying to be a depressed emo or something? I've never seen him this depressed except when we first met.

"Zayn are you okay? Is something that matters you?"

"Is that... You are leaving and I haven't even confessed to you yet about..."

"About what?"

He stopped for a moment and suddenly stood up from the bench. His face became too red like a shade of a tomato. He turned around to hide his face from me. But I had to admit,he's kinda cute like that.

"It's nothing really.. I have to go. I'm just gonna text you later then bye!"

He ran off as fast as lightning. Seriously, that boy is getting weirder and weirder. Maybe he just got tired of school. Yep... that's it, no bid deal or anything.

Liam suddenly walks closer to me and smiles widely. He put his pockets to his jacket.

"Head back to your home?"

"Uhh... yeah"

"How about I come with you? Besides, it's getting late."

I don't know. The feeling of it makes me feel a bit safer yet in weirded out. I nodded, not listening to my mind at all as we walk to my house. The walk was composed of an awkward silence.

As we arrived, I rung the doorbell and waited for my mom to answer. I turned around to Liam as he looked at our house.

"You know... you didnt have to do this for me. I'm a boy. I can handle it myself."

"Sure you can.."

He said. I was about to backfire him when the door swung open revealing my worried mom.


"Sorry mom.."

"And you brought along... Liam?"

"Wait you know him?"

I asked. I'm bewildered at the words my mom has said. How does she know Liam?

"Of course I do.. Come in come in.."

He let in me and Liam inside the house. My mom ran into the kitchen and got some tea and biscuits. My favorite.

"So... How do you know him?"

"You don't know your own cousin?!"


"Surprise Lou!!"
Zayn's POV

I am such a coward! Damn myself! I flunked into my bed and removed my shirt and shoes. Besides, it's kinda hot in here even if the air condition is on. I looked up at my bed and tried to calm my thoughts.

He was leaving. To where? And will he come back? Is he staying there? More over.

Is he gonna forget about me? Our friendship?

Ughh.. I'm too cheesy to think about that right now. I don't want to even talk about it anymore.

How am I gonna confess to him right now?

Yes ladies and gents, I am in love with a nerd that I call my bestbro.

I don't know how it came to this. I always feel myself tingling in delight whenever I see him or talk to him but I hid it from him to hide my embarassment. I can't believe I've gone gay for my own bestbro. But things will change soon since he's leaving.

Eventually he is either packing up right now or just taking a cab to the airport.

A/N: I JUST THOUGHT ABOUT THIS RIGHT NOW!! Lol sorry for the late update.

Hope you enjoyed it. Please leave a comment if you either like, hate or love this story.

And please vote for it if you may. I'm just gonna leave this for now.


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