Chapter three- Missed you

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It feels like I am falling forever, but it is only a few seconds and then I hit something hard as it curls around me.

I smile, it's a net, there is a net at the bottom. I roll over to the edge of the net, and two hands, no bigger than mine, help me out of the net.

I look around the room and smile, I'm finally here. I look back at the person who helped me and my eyes widen.

"Beatrice?" I say and a huge smile.

"Meredith!" she says excited and pulls me into a tight hug.

I laugh and hug her back, suddenly she pulls back and the look in her eyes is unreadable. It is almost sad, relieved, and exciting all at once.

But before I can think about it more, someone makes a fake coughing sound.

I look behind her to see two more girls. Beatrice looks too.

"Oh, sorry." She says to them, she turns back to me "we will pick this up later" she says with a smile.

I nod "ok, so you can pick a new name if you want, but make it good you don't get to pick again. My name is Tris." she says confidently.

I smile at her new name, I like it. I think for a second "Mer" I say.

She smiles "First Jumper! Mer!" she yells, and I hear cheers.

"Welcome to dauntless" she says, and some men then lead me away from the net.

* * *

Finally after everyone has jumped, Tris stands in front of us and starts talking.

"Hi, for those of you who don't know, my name is tris." she says "Usually I'm an ambassador for dauntless. But I have taken some time off to help with the initiation. Today I will be giving you a tour of the dauntless compound. And then tomorrow I will be one of the people helping with the training." she says

"Transfers are with me, dauntless born are with Christina and Lauren" she says nodding her head to the other two girls I saw earlier.

"I'm assuming you guys don't need a tour" Christina says to the dauntless born. And they all run off.

"Rest of you follow me," Tris says and starts walking. As we walk Christina walks over to Tris and links her arm with hers, she murmurs something to her and she laughs before Christina leaves again.

Tris finally stops and turns. "This is the pit." she says loud and clear. "It is the heart of dauntless, and the place you will someday learn to love it" she says continuing to walk.

I take in the sight of the many crowded dauntless' all together, and the stores. In a way it is beautiful.

Tris stops again. "This is the chasm!" she says yelling over the loud rushing water. "It is a reminder of a fine line between bravery and idiocy. A daredevil jump off this ledge will end your life." she says. Her face then turns slightly solm "it has happened before and it will happen again." She looks as if she is struggling whether to say something else or not. "Last year we lost an initiate, let's hope we don't repeat last year's mistakes" she says and then keeps walking.

"Ok, here is where you are going to be sleeping." she says, and opens a door.

We look around. It is a decent size, and there are rows of bunk beds.

"Girls or boys?" an Erudite boy asks.

When she doesn't answer, I speak up "both" I say bluntly.

Everyone looks either shocked or disgusted "trust me, you guys spend so much time together, you will not even care by tomorrow night" she says with a shrug.

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