Chapter nineteen- Never comes

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Training went surprisingly quickly. After lunch we practiced knife throwing. I kept up with the dauntless born for once, I was even better then some, after that we just did exercises, and lots of running. I'm now sitting at dinner with my friends.

"So, I'm thinking, some piercings and a tattoo or two." I say taking a bite out of my chicken burger.

"Well someone is ambitious" Cole says with a chuckle.

I shrug, "you all have one don't you?" I ask

They all show me their right wrists which have the dauntless symbol. Cole also has a snake that curls around his left bicep and one earring. Sierra has a tattoo on her shoulder blade that says fighter, and one earring in each ear. Cassy doesn't have any other tattoos, but has each ear pierced twice.

"Well, if we want to get stuff done, we should get going," Noah says.

We all get up and make our way to the tattoo parlor. When we get there I split from the group and tell them that I will find them after. I look around until I find two tattoos I like. One says fearless in cursive, and the other is five crows. I walk around until I find a woman.

"Hi" I say

She looks up and smiles "Hey. Find something?" I nod and show her. "Where would you like them?" she asks.

"The fearless between my shoulder blades and the crows on the side of my hand."

"Follow me" she says, leading me towards a chair and telling me to take a seat. I give her the tattoos at her request. She moves around getting things ready before asking for my hand.

"This might hurt a bit" she says quietly and she pulls the tattoo gun to my hand. "So.. is there a reason for these tattoos?" she asks and she starts the tattoo.

It stings a bit but I've felt much worse so I barely flinch. "Umm.. well the crows represent me and my four closest girlfriends. The fearless represents my transformation from my old faction to dauntless. I always felt helpless and scared there, but here I feel free and happy." I explain making sure not to mention that I'm for abnegation.

She smiles "I'm tori by the way" she says.

"Mer" I say back

It is silent after that until she finishes the hand tattoo. "Ok umm.. I need you to sit sideways and take your shirt off for this one." she says..

I nod and do as she says, I pull my shirt over my head leaving me in only a bra. I hear a gasp and I turn around, "what's wrong?" I ask confused.

"Your back, who did that to you!" she asks in horror. My eyes widen in realization. I quickly put my shirt back on, and I jump up from the chair.

"I think I'll just pay for this one and go" I say, I'm about to walk away but she grabs my hand.

"No. Sit. I'll do the tattoo" she says sternly

I sit down and pull my shirt off again. She cleans the area and starts the tattoo.

"Where did you transfer from?" she questions.

"Why does it matter?" I question back.

"I-it doesn't, I was just curious."

"Well it doesn't matter, I'm dauntless now" I say and with that the conversation ended. The rest of the time was silent. Half way done my friends came to see me when they were all done. I told them they could head out because I might be here for a little bit still. They all said buy and headed out.

Tori finally finished and told me to keep them covered for the next day so they don't get infected. I asked if I could get my ears pierced and my nose pierced which she was shocked by but obliged. I pay and thank tori before making my way out.

I walk slowly back to the dorms wanting to enjoy the time to myself. As I walk I'm not paying attention and walk right into someone. "Shit, I'm so sorry" I quickly apologize, when I look up I see the one and only Eric coulter.

I sigh, frustrated "how does this keep happening?" I question him

"You're the one who runs into me." he says, looking me over. He grabs my hand and looks at the side of it. "You got a tattoo" he states

"2" I say holding up 2 fingers, I turn around and pull my shirt down just enough for him to see the wrapping on my back. I turn back around and he nods.

"And piercings?" he says shocked this time. He tucks my hair behind my ear to see both my earrings and then grabs my chin tilting my head to look at my nose piercing. "It looks good. They suit you" he says, pulling his hand away.

"Thanks" I say, ducking my head to try to hide the blush creeping up into my cheeks.

"I can't wait to see the tattoos," he says before walking away.

I watch his retreating figure before continuing on my way. When I get to the dorms most people are sleeping or getting ready for bed. I make my way to my bed and see a bag and a note.

We bought you some new clothes, enjoy! <3

- Cassy

I shake my head and smile. I put the clothes under my bed. I pull my clothes off before putting on a large sweater and getting in bed.

I wait for sleep to overcome me,

But it never comes...

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