Chapter seven- With my luck

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The rest of lunch I sat with Ryan, Jace and Sawyer. Then I made my way to training again.

When I get to the training room there are only a few other people there. Three guys and a girl. I ignore them and walk over to the fighting mat. I lay on my back and look at the ceiling. I close my eyes and try to relax my muscles, but when I open my eyes, I jump and let out a scream.

The three guys that were across the room are now standing above me. I place my hand over my chest to steady my heart beat and I sit up.

"Can I help you?" I ask annoyed

The one guy smirks, "stiff, you shouldn't have been chosen to be with us, you'll be crushed" he says with a laugh.

I stand up now, "how did-" I'm about to ask but get cut off.

"What that you are a stiff?" he asks, tilting his head in a mocking way, "oh dall," he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear making my flinch, he smirks again. "everyone knows, when the first jumper is a stiff, people don't forget it"

I take a step away from him, not liking how close he is, "stay away from me" I say angrily. I walk away from him but a hand grips my wrist. I turn and rip my hand away from him instantly. "Stop!" I yell at him.

"Stiff, you don't belong here. That ass won't do you any good in fighting," he says smirking, he takes a step closer to me, "but I can think of a way that it will be of use" he murmurs in my ear.

I shiver out of disgust and I suddenly feel his hand on my ass. I struggle, trying to get away from him but his grip tightens. Only when the door opens does he take a step away from me. I turn and see Cole, Casey, and Sierra. I run over to them and through my arms around Sierra, she hugs me back.

"Hey now, you're ok" she says sweetly.

I nod, but don't let go. "Zavior, what the hell do you think you were doing?" Sierra yells at him, venom dripping in her words.

"Nothing, we were just getting to know each other" he says. "Isn't that right stiff?" He says, directing his gaze to me.

"If that is how you get to know all the girls, I understand why you don't have a girlfriend" I hiss at him.

He glares at me "you want to say that closer to me without your body guards? He challenges.

I step away from my friends and walk over to him, "If that is how you get to know all the girls, I understand why you don't have a girlfriend" I repeat.

"You bitch" he says, he takes a swing but i duck and i sucker punch him right in the nose. I hear a crack and he screams grabbing his nose.

"What the hell is going on here?" a voice yells from behind us.

I turn and see Christina with her arms crossed over her chest, before I can explain, Zavior bets me to it.

"She broke my nose!" he yells, blaming me.

I roll my eyes, she looks at me "I punched him" I say bluntly, not bothering to start a fight over it. If I get in trouble, so be it, I don't regret doing it.

"Zavior go get your nose checked out" she says then adds "and the longer you miss training the more your points are docked"

He doesn't argue surprisingly, he starts off towards the doors.

"You 3 go with him, but don't be late for training, and tell me what the verdict is for his nose" she says to Zavior's friends and the 3 of them quickly make their way after him.

She smirks and rolls her eyes as she watches them scurry away, she turns to me "I used to hate Eric and Four, for acting all intimidating and making us look weak. But now I get it. It is fun." she says with a laugh "although don't get me wrong" she adds "I still hate Eric"

I smirk "you're not mad at me?" I ask.

She shrugs "did he deserve it?" she asks my friends.

"Definitely" Cole say

"Then no, I'm not mad, just try not to go around breaking people's noses. You might find yourself in trouble"

"I didn't break it" I protest

She laughs "yes you did. I've seen broken, and that was definitely broken" I smirk, "I had a guy like Zavior in my class, unfortunately our stiff did have the confidence to deck him like you did."

I laugh, "wasn't Tris your stiff?" I ask, she nods "isn't she like your best friend?"

"Yup. doesn't change the fact that Tris was not as strong as you are. At least not at the start. Keep it up Mer and you will do just fine." she says with a prod smile "maybe you will be the 3rd stiff to get first ranking in initiation" she says as she walks away.

My eyes widen, "way to build up the pressure" I yell. She doesn't respond, just laughs.

I walk back to my friends just as the rest of the dauntless born enter the room.

* * *

"Ok!" Lauren yells. "Most of you have been fighting your whole lives, whether it was a serious fight or just rough housing, you have still had some experience. Plus most of you have been training your whole lives for this, and have had parents, and/or siblings to help you prepare. But you still need to work your butt off in training. We will be showing you techniques on both defense and offence. We will split you up. Haft goes to the fighting mats to learn defense, the other half goes to the punching bags for learning punches and kicks."

"1-2-3-4-5-6" Christina starts to point to people "you all go with Lauren. The other 7 you are with me. Let's go." she walks over to the punching bags. And I notice, thankfully, that my 3 friends are all with me.

Christina doesn't waist anytime and starts showing us different punches and kicks, she then tells us to get a punching bag and start.

I grab one beside Cole and watch him, he freezes, turns to me and smirks. "Yes darling?" he asks with his accent coming out strong.

I smile at him, "can you braid my hair for me?" I ask, fluttering my eyes.

He chuckles "sure, elastic?" he asks as he walks over.

I rack my brain for where I put the elastic. I pat my pockets and then find it in my right back pocket. "Ah ha!" I say triumphant as I hand him the elastic. He chuckles again but goes behind me and starts braiding it again.

He finishes and smiles at me "there you go love" he says, his accent once again coming out strong. It makes my stomach tingle. I don't like Cole anymore than a friend, but I can't deny that he is quite attractive and his accent is damn alluring.

"Where did you learn to braid hair?" I ask.

"I have a little sister, plus my two best friends were/are girls" he says as he walks over to his punching bag.

* * *

As i do my best the do proper punches christina walks up beside me "your arms are weak, you won't win that way"

I raise my eyebrows at her "when you punched Zavior you put your whole body weight into it, that is how you have to do all your punches"

I nod and continue, listening to her advice. She nods "good, with that punch you have a chance at winning." she says smiling "keep it up, practice your kicks" she says patting my shoulder.

She turns but freezes in place. I look at her confused.

"What are you doing here?" she asks, sounding annoyed.

I'm about to turn to see who it is but stop when I hear an all to familiar voice.

"Just came to see how the stiff is doing." Eric says

I grind my teeth, I turn to him and send him a fake smile.

"I'm doing great" I say snidely.

And here I thought I would escape seeing him, since I didn't train with the transfers.

Then again I should know differently with my luck...

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