Chapter fourteen- It can't be

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"Mer!" I hear someone yell. I turn and see Tobias looking at me. I open my mouth to say something but then the train comes hurling down the tracks. I look at the train and back at my brother

"I love you!" I yell at him, and then take off running. I can afford to miss this train. I grab the handle and I push the door open, swinging myself inside. I look around, this train is different then the normal one that the dauntless travels on, this train is from amity, full of food. I guess that is perfect, this train is heading to Abnegation and I can jump off around the factionless area. I walked to the wall and slide down in it until I hit the floor, I pull my knees to my chest, and for the first time since I got to dauntless I let out a sob, my whole body shakes and I just sob.

I put my head on my knees as my cries slow down and my tears stain my face. I take shaky breaths and then I hear a click. I freeze, I slowly lift my head and see a factionless man with a loaded gun pointed at my head. Standing right behind him is a woman. But just before I can do, or say anything there is a rattle and the whole cart shakes. There is heavy breathing, we all turn our heads and my eyes widen to see Tobias standing there.

"Four, go!" I say annoyed, I don't need my brother to die.

But he ignores me "get away from her" he growls at the man. The man just scoffs.

"I don't listen to you, I'm factionless, you have no power over me" he says and puts the gun against my head.

"Four, you're not helping, go away!" I say louder this time. His eyes flicker to mine before he looks at the woman standing there quite.

"Leave the girl alone" he says to her, "please" he adds desperately. I cringe at how weak he sounds. He probably hasn't had to beg since we were in abnegation with Marcus, and the only time he begged was when he begged Marcus not to hurt me. He only begs when it comes to me. I make him weak. I look away from him ashamed. Discussed with myself, I should be able to take care of myself.

"Leave her be," the woman says. The man sighs but removes the gun from my head and backs away from me. You would think that I would be thankful and run into my brother's arms singing my thanks, but instead I continue to sit in the same spot.

"Mer, come on," Tobias says.

"No" I murmur

"If you don't move your ass, I will carry you off this train."

I look at him "what does it matter? I'm a factionless four! I don't listen to you, you have no power over me anymore." I say using the factionless man's words.

I hear a snicker. "I don't know Tobias, I don't think the girl wants to go with you" The woman says with a smirk. I look at her shocked.

"You know who he is?" I ask shocked. She frowns at me, she is about to say something but Tobias cuts her off.

"Mer, Eric told Max that you were with him! You're not out. Christina jumped to conclusion like she always does and made a mistake. You're still in!" he says

At this my eyes widen and I finally got up, "Wait Eric actually did what he said he would for once!?" Tobias nods. "Oh thank goodness" I say and run over to him giving him a hug. "I really didn't want to be factionless" I murmur into his shoulder, making him chuckle.

"Well I'm glad you got your stuff figured out, but don't you think that I'm letting you go so easily, Tobias we need to talk" the woman says.

I turn to her "how do you know who he is?" I ask confused.

"Mer, don't ask questions you don't want the answers to" Tobias warns.

"But I want to know" I say.

The woman looks at me confused again "what did you say your name was?" she asks

I am about to answer but Tobias covers my mouth with his hand. I bit his hand "ow!" he says, moving his hand away.

"How do you know Tobias' real name? Does he not go by four in dauntless" she asks

I hesitate. "He does. But I asked you first. How do you know him"

"I'm right here you know. Does it really matter how she knows me?" he asks me

"Um yes, because no one knows who you are unless they are from abnegation" I say, "so when some factionless lady is calling you by your old name I should get to know why. Because if she knows you, does she know me, does she know tris. Are the factionless stalking us abnegation transfers. Things I need to know" I say. I started off serious but I ended with a big smile on my face, knowing I'm being extremely dramatic.

Tobias shakes his head at me, "you always had a dramatic flare." he says with a chuckle.

"Mer, I'll tell you the details when you need to know, but right now you don't." Tobias says.

I sigh, "fine" I mumble.

"Mer?" the woman says curiously. I look at her and raise my eyebrows. "Is that short for something?" she asks curiously.

I nod "ya-" Tobias cuts me off.

"Evelyn leave her be. You don't need to know her past." he says.

I frown, Evelyn? That name sounds so... Wait!

"Evelyn Eaton?!" I blurt out. It can't be right. She is dead. She has been dead for 13 years

The woman looks at me, and I hear Tobias mumble "damn it."

"Is your name Evelyn Eaton?" I ask her

She nods slowly. My eyes widened. This can't be...

It can't be. She is dead, My mother is dead...

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