Chapter twenty-two- "You keep thinking that"

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This chapter is a bit cringe, but I had too. so sorry but not sorry....

also, unedited, sorry. pls don't judge.

Our team got off the train around the abandoned amusement park. Everyone was quick to tell their ideas until finally four told them all to shut up. They each talked one at a time and then we put the ideas together to come up with our final plan. We don't want a big group of people guarding the flag; it draws too much attention.

We choose that only one person will know where the flag is and 3 other people will be guarding the general area. There will be 3 groups of 3 or 4 that will seek the flag and everyone else will distract the other team. Noah, Tris and Sawyer are all leading one of the small groups. My brother is leading the majority and then Cassy and 2 other dauntless born are guarding the general area.

I ended up volunteering to hide and guard the flag.

I lean against a tree holding the glowing flag. thinking where to hide the flag. And the flag tapes against my leg I suddenly get an idea. I roll the flag around the flag's stick and then glide the flag down my pant leg until it reaches my ankle. The flag is the perfect length of my ankle to my knee so I can still run.

Just as I finish adjusting the flag so it's comfortable when a sharp pain shoots up my other leg. I let out a small groan as I fall against the tree I'm standing beside and slid down so I'm sitting. I reach over and pull out the dart in my leg.

I pant heavily from the pain. I look at the ground and someone walks towards me, when the person is standing right in front of me the black boots look all too familiar.

I close my eyes and sigh. When I lift my head and open my eyes he is crouched right in front of me. He has a smug smirk on his face as he stares into my eyes.

"Where is the flag?" he demands.

"No way in hell I'm telling you" I laugh in his face.

"Wasn't a request" he growls.

"You can't tell me what to do well we are playing a game that literally requires you to find it yourself" I spit back

As he just looks at me I realize my leg no longer hurts. Before he can shoot me I kick him where the sun don't shine and he lets out a loud groan.

"Fuck!" he swears and he lays on the ground. Just to make sure he stays down I shot him in each of his legs and then his chest.

"FUCK!" he yells at me. "What the fuck!?" he asks me.

I smile at him and step on his stomach.

"Oopsie" i say

"You will regret this Mer" he says breathlessly

"Maybe, but right now I'm enjoying this." i say smiling

I move my foot off his and on the other side of him so I'm standing over him, I then straddle his stomach so that it is harder for him to move when the pain wears off. I'm just hoping my team can find Eric's flag before Eric realizes that our flag is no farther than 2 cm away from him.

"I'm starting to think you just like being this close to me" He murmurs.

I smile and shift on his stomach making his grunt. I lean down towards him "maybe. Yours stomach is rather comfortable"

He looks at me shocked. "Did you just flirt with me initiate?"

I laugh because i know i most definitely, but i'm clearly low on sleep because when i'm tired you might as well talk to a drunk person.

I decide to tell him this and he actually cracks a smile.

"Well I was starting to think that you are either really brave or on drugs."

"Ummm... both" I say with a girl giggling. "Oh my goodness. I didn't not just laugh like that" I say with wide eyes.

At this Eric actually laughs. "Wait, did you say you are on drugs?" he asks.

It's like I forget who I'm talking to and where I am. I forget that we are in the middle of a game or the fact that I'm talking to the meanest person I've ever met. I just jump into a brief story of how I'm on pain meds which leads me to explain why I'm so tired. When I'm finally done explaining everything Eric is sitting up leaning back on his hands and I'm now straddling his lap instead of his stomach.

When I look at him he just stares at me, "what?" I ask, smiling.

He shakes his head with a straight face, showing no emotion. He hesitates before reaching his hand to my face and tucks a hair behind my ear.

"I don't do this" he mumbles.

"You don't have a girl straddle your lap?" I say sarcastically as I tilt my head at him.

He rolls his eyes, "I don't talk" he clarifies.

"Well technically I'm doing the talking" I say back with a small smile.

He just nods and we are left in a comfortable silence. He starts at my hip and his finger trails down to my knee and then he stops.

I look at him confused. "What?"

"You clever girl," he says.

I frown, still confused. "You hid the flag in your pants," he laughs.

At this I laugh and rub my arm embarrassed. "Ya. the way you said that though sounded worse than it is. It only goes from my knee to my ankle." I say blushing. I shove my face in hand and shake my head. "I don't know why I'm acting like this." I mumble into my hands.

Eric pulls my hands away from my face, "acting like what" he asks, holding my wrist.

"Weird." I say simply.

"Well I'm not exactly acting like my normal self either." he responds with a small smile.

We continue to look at each other, when I see his eyes flicker to my lips. He ever so slowly starts moving towards me. When our noses are only centimeters apart he stops. My eyes flutter close waiting to see if he backs off or if he goes through with it. But just as our noses brush and I can feel his breath on my lips. We both hear screams.

"WE WON!!!!"

We both back off instantly. To break the awkward silence I laugh, "guess you lose the game again" I taunt him.

Before I can even blink he flips us and my back hits the ground with him hovering over me. He moves his hand down to my ankle and he rolls up my pants. He grabs hold of the flag and pulls it out.

He stands up and offers me his hand. I take it and he pulls me up. Although I'm not ready for the strength of it and I slam into his chest. He chuckles and grabs my waist with his free hand to steady me.

"Easy." he says with a chuckle "didn't think i would have to worry about initiates throwing themself at me" he says with a cocky smile.

I roll my eyes and take a few steps away from him.

"Come on. We should head back." I say walking backward towards where I think we need to go.

"Well then we should probably head the other way, smarty pants." he say nudging his head towards the opposite direction.

I glare at him "shut up" I mumble and shove past him.

"I feel you are getting too comfy, talking to me like that."

"Well if you shove your pride away and realize that you aren't so high and mighty you would realize we are the same."

"No we aren't" he says, shaking his head as he follows me.

"You keep thinking that" I reply smiling.....

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