Chapter twenty- Don't be late

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Hey Guys! This chapter isn't to exciting it is just a filler but here you go. It is unedited because i just wanted to get it out there. pls don't hate :)

As I check my watch for what feels like the millionth time I suddenly feel an unbearable pain shoot through my head. I grab my head and a small cry slips through my lips. I lay there with the palms of my hands pressing into my temples until the pain starts to decrees. I let out a breathy sigh before looking at my watch. It reads 4:17. I groan at how early it is and turn on my side again. I try to fall asleep for at least an hour, but I'm still just laying there with my eyes closed and my thoughts trying to consume me.

I hiss as I feel my chest start to hurt. I turn on my back but the pain in my chest starts to increase. On top of that my head starts to pound again and the pain from before comes back. I sit up and quickly shuffle through my things until I find the bottle of painkillers. I open it and pour one in my hand. I put it in my mouth and swallow it dry. I think about the fact that I didn't take one last night, and maybe if I take another one now it will last longer, I take one more pill and swallow that one dry too. I put the bottle cap on and hide it back in my stuff. I lay down and wait for the painkillers to work their magic.

* * *

I look at my watch after the pain finally went away and it is now 6:48. I decided to go take a quick shower well everyone is sleeping. I slip out of my bed and grab a towel.

I turn on the shower and then strip. I step under the water and I'm hit with cold water, making me jump in surprise. It slowly warms up and I sigh in contentment. I let myself enjoy the water for a minute before deciding to quickly wash myself before everyone wakes up.

When I finish washing my hair and my body I turn off the water and wrap a towel around me. I look around and realize I forgot clothes. I curse myself and sigh in annoyance. I hold the towel tightly around my body before going over to my bed. I grab undergarments and put them on quickly, I then flip my head over and wrap my towel around my hair. Once the towel is secured I start putting on my jeans, I finish buttoning the last button when I hear someone cough. My head snaps up to be met by two familiar pairs of eyes, one belongs to my brother, well the belongs to Eric.

I stand there shocked, my brother looks away but Eric just looks at me, I watch him look me up and down before smirking and turning away like Tobias did. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding and quickly threw on my shirt.

"You can turn around" I murmur quietly, but because of the deafening silence that fills the room they hear me easily. Neither of them acknowledge what just happened and neither do I. I walk to where I left my close by the showers, well my brother and Eric wake up the rest of the initiates.

After all my friends have gotten ready and I do my hair we all get breakfast. We don't have much time before I have to part from them because Cole decided to take forever on his hair. I wave my goodbyes before heading to the dauntless born training room.

* * *

All morning we have been working on fighting. Defense and self defense. It is now break and Cassy, Sierra, Cole, and I are all heading to the cafeteria. We sit at our regular table. Cassy and Cole sit across from Sierra and I. Just as we start to eat, Jace, Noah, and Sawyer join us. The conversations are light and I jump in from time to time but suddenly Cole leans over the table and grabs my face.

"There is something different about you" he says and he sits back down.

All of my friends look at me curiously, "ya Coles right...." Noah says

Cassy gasps "YOU PIERCED YOUR NOSE!" she yells.

They all gasp. Sierra grabs my ears "she pierced her ears too!" she adds.

I swat her hands away as I feel my cheeks heat up. "Ya ya. I needed a change."

"Oh! How did the tattoo turn out?" Sawyer asks.

I shrug. "I don't really know. They are wrapped right now."

"Wait! they?" Sawyer asks.

I nod slowly. "Ya... I got two..."

"I want to see!!!" Cassy wines.

"Well you have to wait." I tell her, "now we should head out or we are going to be late."

"Mer is right, we should get going" Cole says.

After we all finish our food quickly. Cole, Cassy, Sierra and I separate from Jace, Sawyer, and Noah.

Once we get to the training room Christina announces that we are all going to the fence. Although we quickly find out that she isn't the one going with us to the fence. Eric barges into the training room and tells us we have 5 minutes to get to the tracks. As I walk out with my friends I hear my name.

"Mer!" an all too familiar voice yells.

I freeze and my friends look at me, "I'll meet you guys there" I say waving them off, they nod before continuing on their way. I take a breath and turn around only to find Eric way closer than expected.

"Can I help you?" I sass.

He clenches his jaw in annoyance before saying "how is the pain?" he asks

I look at him confused. "What pain?"

"You think you could hide the fact that you have been training with 3 broken ribs and a minor concussion. Word spreads Mer."

I look at him shocked before composing myself and shrugging. I look down "what is it to you?"

He is suddenly towering over me and he grabs my chin forcing me to look at him.

"More than you know" he says almost inaudibly, but I just catch it.

I feel my cheeks heat up. "I-I. I-its ok. I'm on pain meds though." I stutter, now flustered because of his words.

He nods slowly, before letting go of my chin. Just as he is about to leave he leans down next to my ear. He is so close I can feel his breath hitting my neck, making my breath hitch.

"You're cute when you're all flustered" he whispers in my ear before he continues on his way. My eyes widen in shock.

I open my mouth to say something but he cuts me off by yelling over his shoulder.

"Don't be late"....

Free and Captured ~Eric love storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें