Chapter twenty-five- Face the monster

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HEYYY. finally finished the chapter. It isnt edited though so the spelling or grammar might be off. I will edit it after but I just wanted to get this out for you all. Please have mercy🙏.
But here it is.
I'll also be adding another character page soon for any new characters.

Mer POV:
    After I leave Eric and his friends I make my way to the pit. It doesn't take long till I spot cassy's pink hair. "Cassy!" I yell.
She turns and looks around before finally spotting me and waving me over frantically. 
 I make my way there and when I finally get there she pulls me into a hug before introducing me to her family "Mer this is my family. Well most of my family. I will introduce you to my older sibs after, this is my mom, dad, and my little sisters Leah and Mia. They're twins"
 "hi" i say with a small wave
 "guys this is my new friend Mer" Cassy says with a smile
 "Nice to meet you Mer," her mom says. She puts out her hand. I shake it, then shake her dad's hand and wave to her little sisters. 
"You are really pretty," Mia says.
  I smile "Aww, thank you. You 2 are super cute." 
 They both giggle "I like her" Leah says. 
"Ok Mer time to go"
"NOOOOO! We want her to stay here" They both say, clinging to my legs. 
My eyes widen in shock and chuckle "She will come back later. She has to meet Zach and Kaytlyn" Cassy says bargaining with them
"Fine," the twins say in unison. 
We wave bye to her parents and we walk away.
"So where are your siblings?" I ask her
"I'm going to say that we should go check the chasm, since it is visiting day they have a day off, so they are probably drinking." she says nodding to herself
"That sounds super safe" i say with a laugh
"Ha, they almost never do anything safe." she scoffs "anyway i want to stop and pick up cole and sierra and to just say hi to their parents"
"ok. well let's go" I say and link arms with her.

*    *    *

After we picked Sierra and Cole up and said hi to Sierra's mom and Cole's parents we start to make our way to find Cassy's brother and sister. 
We walk to the chasm and we see a group of 4 people "that is them" she says pointing to them.
Sierra and Cole instantly take off to go say hi but Cassy turns to me as we walk, "Ok so they are probably drunk so they will be really dumb, but really funny." She says with a chuckle, I smile.
"Cassy!" one of the guys calls. We walk towards him and he meets us in the middle. He picks her up and spins her around.
"How have you been, little sister. Did you see mom and dad?" he asks her 
"ya. I-" 
"Wait, who is this?" he asks, cutting her off 
"umm, this is Mer, my new friend from initiation. Mer this is my brother Zach."
 "oh. Hi " he puts out his hand.
 I shake it "Hi, nice to meet you" I say with a smile.
"Well, come come. Come meet everyone else!" he says excitedly. 
"Cassy!" a girl with all pink hair hugs her.
 "Hi chelsea" Cassy says 
"oh who's this?"  she asks, looking at me. 
"Mer, I'm friends with Cassy." I say with a timid smile.
"Oh well, any friend of Cassy's is a friend of ours. I'm Chelsea, that's Kate, and Flynn, and you already met Zach" she says, pointing to everyone.  
"Nice to meet you all" I say with a wave. They smile and say hi back.  

Eric's POV:
    After breakfast I go to the pit, both Max and I and 1 other leader are incharge of greeting the parents and watching over the initiates to make sure they don't try anything. 
    As I stand I see a familiar face, one that sticks out like a sore thumb. I furrow my brows and make my way over to max.
    "Do you see who I see?" i ask him curiously.
He nods "what is he doing here?" he questions with a furrowed brow. 
"Well let's go figure out, shall we?" 
He nods and we both head towards him. Max taps his shoulder and he turns.
"Gentleman" he says with a nod
We both nod "Marcus."

Mer's POV:
    After an hour or so of hanging out we decided to head to lunch before going to meet all my other friends' parents since they'll leave soon. 
    Zach, Kate, Flynn, and Chelsea all went their own way and Cassy, Cole and Sierra and I all went to lunch. We found the table with my brother and Tris and all their friends and sat with them. I take a seat next to my brother, sending him a quick smile before taking a small bite of my food. I'm not too hungry but I have more of an appetite then I've had in awhile. 
    I'm in the middle of talking with Cole when someone desires to sit between Tobias and I. I frown in annoyance and look over to see who it is. I roll my eyes when I see who it is.
"Eric what the heck." I ask in irritation.
He ignores me and turns to my brother.
"So Four, how was your visiting day? Any family reunions?" Eric asks
"Nope, I spent the day with my friends, that's my family."
"Aw that's right, because you have no parents or siblings, isn't that right?" He asks with a smirk.
Tobias rolls his eyes "Eric, what do you want?" He asks annoyed 
Eric sighs, "you take all the fun out of bugging you when you act all mature. But fine." Eric moves closer and speaks in a hushed tone but I'm still able to hear him. "You never mentioned you have a sister."
When the words leave his mouth I freeze mid chew, Tobias starts to choke on the water he was drinking and even Tris must have heard because she drops her fork on her plate making people at our table. 
Eric doesn't notice me but he looks at Tris before smirking, "although, either she didn't know either, or she did and I wasn't supposed to know." He says with a chuckle.
"Eric i swear-"
Eric cuts him off  "so it's true, I mean I wasn't sure but you just confirmed it. Now who is she?" he asks with a smirk.  
"She in't here" 
Eric scoffs "Sure she is." he then smiles "ask me how i know." he says eager. 
"Eric, I'm not playing this game." Tobias says clenching his jaw
"You're no fun but fine" Eric says dramatically. "I was just watching over the put with Max when we both saw a familiar face. Although odd for them to be dauntless, they really stuck out. When asked they simply told us that they have a child here." 
Eric didn't have to say another word for Tobias and I to figure out who he is talking about, Eric notices how my brother's poster stiffens and continues "I mean I instantly thought of you. For all I knew Marcus Eaton only had one kid." At the sound of his name my stomach churns, and my heartbeat picks up out of panic. "So I asked him in confusion 'your son?', I mean from what I remember the 2 of you don't have that great of a relationship." He says with a laugh and slaps him on the back. Tobias visibly cringes and the action makes me want to drive my knife into Eric's throat. "But he shook head. Saying 'no my daughter' like it was obvious. Except it wasn't obvious to anyone because no one knows about the Eaton children being dauntless. Well, except me now." Eric finishes with a chuckle. "So this brings me back to my original question: who is she?" 
Tobias turns to face him "I'm not going to tell. Why does it even matter."
"Well because your father is waiting for me to bring one of his children to him so that he doesn't come all the way here for nothing."
Finally Tobias snaps and stands up, shaking the whole table. "Eric you're a sick bastard and you can tell Marcus to go to hell." my brother growls at him before turning to his friends. "I've lost my appetite, Tris and I are heading to our apartment, meet us there after?" he asks them.
"Ya for sure" Zeke says smiling. Tobias nods, taking tris' hand and leaving the dinner area.
Eric watches them leave with a smirk on his face. I continue to glare at him and when they are gone he turns to me. 
"What?" he asks, annoyed by my glaring.
"Were you so unloved as a child that you made it your goal in life to ruin everyone else's life? You are so fucked up. I was starting to think that maybe it was just an act and only skin deep but I'm starting to think that it runs deep within you." I stand up now, I turn to my friends. "I'll met you guys at four's and tris' place, i have to go do something." they all nod and i walk behind eric and stop, bending down to his ear. 
"As far as I can tell, you're no better than Marcus Eaton." I walk away and make my way to the pit.

Let's face the monster....

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