Chapter eighteen- "You'll make it"

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There you go lovelies, sorry for the long wait but I hope it was worth it. :)

So ya, I lied. I never went to sleep. I couldn't. Trust me I tried. Every inch of me hurts from being tired. But I just couldn't. So now it is 6:00 and I'm getting dressed. I look at myself in the mirror after doing my hair and make up, and as I fix my hair one last time I see Olivia behind me in the mirror.

"I know what you are going to say, but you can't stop me

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"I know what you are going to say, but you can't stop me. I've already missed too much training." I say and turn to look at her directly.

"I wasn't going to stop you, but you need to take these pain meds. Promise me you'll take one every morning but that's it. They are very addictive. I don't need you back in here in a few weeks from an accidental overdose, have any more pain you can take Advil at lunch and dinner. The pain meds should be enough to get you through training till you heal. But be careful because sometimes you don't even realize that you are hurt till the meds wear off which can be dangerous. especially in your case."

I nod "Last I checked I don't have an addictive personality." I say take the pill bottle.

"Mhm, that's what they all say."

I take one pill and place it on my tongue, she passes me water and I wash down the pill with one gulp. I put the lid on the pill bottle and smile at Olivia.


She rolls her eyes. "Get out of here, and I don't want to see you till your check up. Do you understand.?"

I nod "yes ma'am." She gives me a light hug and then I leave the infirmary.

I make my way slowly to the dining hall and walk in looking around. I stop my friends and make my way there. "Hey" I say smiling as I sit next to Sawyer. They looked at me shocked.

"W-what are you doing here, you should be in bed, resting" Sawyer says giving me a hug. I chuckle.

"I can't miss any more training so Olivia gave me pain meds and I'm going to keep up with training." I say with a shrug. I reach over to Cole's plate and grab his muffin.

"Hey" he says as I start picking at the muffin and put a piece in my mouth. "That's my food, go get your own."

I shake my head, "so mean to the injured." He chuckles and sticks out his tongue at me, which I return. My friends continue with their conversation but I completely zone out. I pick at my muffin when I feel a hand on my shoulder, I jump and turn to see Christina.

"Hey. How are you?" She asks with a small smile.

I narrowed my eyes at her "who's asking?" I say with a small smirk as I look past her to my brother who is already looking at me. I look back at Christina and she chuckles. "Nothing big, a few broken ribs and a minor concussion" I say with a shrug.

"Well we are only working on punching bags and throwing knives today so hopefully you have some time to heal till your next fight tomorrow" she says, giving my shoulder a pat.

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