Chapter twelve- "Good job"

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I couldn't muster up the courage to go back into the dining hall. Christina was mad at me, my friends were mad at me. And I have no doubt that Christina already told my brother of what was going on. So instead I decided to go see Cassy in the infirmary.

I ask the nurse where she is and she tells me she's in bed 3. When I get there Cassie is ecstatic to see me, lifting my mood a bit. I sit down with her and get straight to the point of me being there. I apologize about missing class and that she lost her fight, she just tells me that it isn't my fault and it was her own. Nevertheless I apologize to her again, which in return she slaps me across the face, and tells me to stop apologizing. I was utterly shocked, but then we both laughed. I then go on to explain to her about why I wasn't there. About Eric, about Sierra, about Christina, and even about Cole.

She sighs "well ignore Sierra she is being a little bitch. She is over protective, and when I got hurt she blamed herself for not protecting me and not being in control, so then found someone to blame it on." I nod in response and she continues "as for Cole, the hurt look he was giving you..." she trails off "Ya he is really good at that one." she says with a sigh. I look at her confused


"Oh trust me, he has given me that look. It makes you feel super crappy even if you didn't do anything. It is literally worse than Sierra yelling at you. Because it is quiet and judgmental. And it makes you feel like that worst person in the world for whatever you did or didn't do"

"That is definitely the look," I say nodding my head.

She nods "just ignore him too. He wasn't mad at you per say like Sierra. Cause like he did defend you. But he definitely blamed you to an extent and wanted you to feel guilty"

"We have very manipulating friends," I murmur, making her laugh and nod.

"And if I were you I would go whip Eric's ass for being a dick and letting this go on."

"Ya that was my thought too" I say nodding "because I'm going to be factionless either way. Because if I don't show up to the second half I will be kicked out, so really I have nothing left to lose." I say shrugging.

"Well my dearest friend, it sounds like you have it figured out. Now I would get going before you're late" she says nodding to the clock. I check it and she is right, I have about 10 minutes.

I nod and hop out of bed. I give her a soft hug trying not to hurt her and a kiss on the cheek. "You really are my new best friend," I murmured in her ear, before running out the door.

When I get to the roof, Eric is nowhere to be seen. I shrug and go over to the table that has knives laid out. I grab three, two; firm in one hand and one; I twist between my fingers. I walk over to the target, I take a deep breath, pull back and in one quick motion I throw it, snapping my wrist. It flies and buries itself into the target's chest. I do the next one and it buries itself in the head, finally the last one sinks into the lower abdomen.

I smile at myself, satisfied and roll my throwing shoulder as it becomes sore.

"Remind me never to get to close to you when you have knives" a familiar voice say.

I roll my eyes and turn on my heels to see Eric leaning against the wall. "Mmmmm" I hum. I grab another knife from the table and walk towards Eric and I twist it between my fingers. "Did I do something to make you hate me? Other than being brave enough to stand up to you." I ask him, he just raises an eyebrow at me. "Because if I didn't know any better, I would say, you are trying to get me kicked out of dauntless"

He smirks "Mer, I might not like you. Like at all. But I am this hard on everyone. You think too highly of yourself."

"I'm not talking about how hard you push the initiates Eric!" I snapped at him "I'm well aware you're an ass to everyone!" I say yelling at him.

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