Chapter fifteen-So tired

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I stare at the woman that is supposed to be dead. I look at Tobias. "What is going on. If this is a joke, it isn't funny" i say,

He shakes his head "it isn't a joke. Mer this is your mother, the woman who abandoned you at the age of 3" he says with a growl

I look at the woman and her eyes widen "Meredith" she breathes out, she takes a step towards me but I step back. I grab Tobias' arm and move behind him slightly.

She looks at me hurt "Meredith, it's me, your mother, I won't hurt you" she says stretching her arm out like I'm a puppy.

I shake my head "no, my mother is dead, she died when I was three. My mother lives in my head, in my imagination. My mother would never leave me, not without a fight, my mother never left me with a sick sociopath that abused me and my brother. My mother loved me, and kissed me, held me when I was sad, listened when I talked, bandaged my cuts and helped with my school work. She cut my hair, and taught me to be a good abnegation, and when I turned sixteen I stayed with my mother, because I wasn't scared to live in that house. I eventually got married to an amazing abnegation man and my mother was standing there proudly, after that I would have a kid and my mother was there with me when I had him or her. And she would hold him or her and she loved that kid and spoiled him or her rotten." I step away from behind Tobias but still hold his arm. Tears start rolling my cheeks as I continue "and then when my mother is 80 years old, and has had a full life, and my children have gotten to know there grandma, then she dies a natural and peaceful death" When I finally finish I take a shaky breath "That is the mother I imagined and that is the mother I'm sticking with. You are just the woman that gave birth to me and then abandoned me and my brother at the ages of 3 and 6" I say. I wipe away the tears.

"Meredith please, let me explain. Your father as you know was an abusive man, I couldn't live like that. It was when I had an affair that Marcus threatened to banish me but instead I faked my death, the abnegation helped, anything to protect Marcus' reputation." she says trying to make it better but she is making it worse.

"So you knew how abusive he was and you left your two children with him. Your a sick as he is" I bark at her

She sighs "Meredith this is not how I wanted you to find out. I wanted to reach out to you myself after your initiation. But I guess since we are here now..." she trails off, and sighs "I want you two to join the factionless, everyone thinks we live on our own but we have made our own community, and I lead them. The faction system is broken. It isn't long before something happens and there is a civil war, and when that happens you are going to want to be on my side." she says

I scoff "I'll pass" I say.

"Tobias" she asks.

"My answer hasn't changed" he says with a stone cold face, actually he looks like Eris right now, Ha ha, I'm so telling him that after.

"Evelyn this is our stop" the factionless man says. Evelyn sighs.

"I hope you will reconsider. Tobias, you know how to reach me." she says to him and with that she moves and jumps. And the factionless man is about to go Tobias stops him.

"Edward" he says, the man looks at Tobias, "how is Myra?" he asks.

"Fine, we went through stuff before, but she came back around. We are together again." the guy answers

"Well good luck to both of you, be careful" he says. The guy nods.

"Tell tris hi" he says and with that jumps.

I look at Tobias "who was that?" I asked curiously.

"Edward, he transferred last year. He was great but was stabbed in the eye by someone while he was sleeping. Eric kicked him out because you can't be dauntless if you only have one eye, and then his girlfriend followed him. Although she wouldn't have made it anyway" he says with a shrug.

I nod. The rest of the ride was quiet and it went quickly. When we get back to dauntless I follow Tobias to his room. I took a very quick shower because I was already clean and I just felt gross. I hop out and put on Tobias' shirt and a pair of tris leggings. I thank them and then go back to the compound. Tobias said he would tell Max that I was back and that I should get some sleep. I didn't argue. I walk to my bed and lay down, stretching my body out before curling up in a ball, letting myself fall asleep, not even bothering to go under the sheets. As I get comfortable the only thing that goes through my mind is;

I'm so tired... 

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