Chapter eleven- What just happened

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I wake up to the annoying bagging of metal on metal like yesterday. I look up and Tobias smirks. I glare at him and turn over groaning into my pillow.

"Be in the pit in 15 minuets!" he barks out and then leaves. I feel myself start to fall asleep again, that is until someone yells in my ear "GET UP!"

My eyes snap open. I turn to see Jace snickering. I jump out of bed and give him a push. He falls on Sawyers' bed and laughs. I roll my eyes.

"We are going to get food, meet you there?" Noah asks.

I nod and they head out. Once everyone is gone I quickly strip and head to the shower. I need one desperately, my hair is gross, and chances of getting one later are slim. I don't take long, I quickly wash my hair and my body. Then take a razor and go over my legs really quickly, which just leads me to having like 5 cuts on my legs.

I turn the shower off and quickly dry myself. I look at my watch and curse under my breath, I have 5 minutes. I pull on the first clothes I find in the drawer sawyer and I share. Which I instantly regret because I realize I'm wearing a crop top and skinny jeans. I go to the mirror and brush through my hair quickly. I look down at my watch. "SHIT!" I screech. I have 2 minutes. I throw one of Noah's sweaters on, grab my boots off my bed and run out the door.

"Move! Watch out!" I yell. Warning people. I run into the dinning room and run to my friends who are standing up to go. I grab a muffin off of Noah's plate. "Thanks!" I yell and run out the door before he can say anything. I ran quickly up the stairs to the roof.

I barge through to the door gasping for air. "You're late" I hear a stern voice. I look up to see Eric looking at me with his arms crossed. I look at my watch.

"By one minute!" I say out of breath. He shrugs.

"5 points docked" he says, turning away from me and walking towards the punching bag.

"What!" I yell at him angrily "I run here, And I'm more like 20 seconds late!" I say annoyed. He doesn't answer me and just keeps walking.

And since I have a tendency of doing things on impulse when angry I throw my one boot at him. Hitting him in the back. He freezes and turns to me with a glare and slight shocked face.

He picks up my boot and looks at my feet. "You ran here with no shoes on," he asks with a raised eyebrow. Surprising me because I thought he would yell at me. I nod "and you didn't eat breakfast?" he asks, looking at my muffin. I shake my head. He walks over to me and stands there with narrowed eyes. I thought he was going to let it go, but I should know better. He grabs my other boot, and my muffin and takes a bit out of it. "Don't come late." he says in a low voice once he swallowed. "And don't throw things at me" he yells at me. Making me slightly jump. "Is that understood" he says in a low voice again. I nod my head.

"Can I have my boots?" I ask quietly. He smirks.

"Nope you can train in your socks" he says. "Now let's see what you got. Go to the punching bag" he says.

I don't argue with him, I walk to the punching bag and start.

* * *

At some point Eric left for a while so I have no clue how long I've been practicing, although I've been doing pretty well. I hear the door swing open and hear heavy footsteps, letting me know it is Eric. I continue to punch the punching bag ignoring him.

Eric walked towards me and stands there watching over my shoulder. He is so close I can feel his breath on my neck. I can't seem to concentrate now and every time I hit the bag my hand slipped or I messed up my punch. Every time I mess up or the punch isn't strong enough he gets angrier, and his words get harsher

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