Chapter ten- Her

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I don't know how long we sat there, but after a while Cassy said she had to head back and I told her to go ahead. I wanted to sit alone for a while.

I sigh and get up looking down at my watch. "Shit" I mumble, it's past curfew, I'm really bad at this whole bedtime thing. In abnegation I never worried about it, I never bothered with time. But now, especially with what happened with Eric last time...

I start making my way back to the dorms when I hear an all to familiar voice call out "Stiff"

I tense up at the name, and clench my jaw. I don't turn around, hoping he goes away. But I am almost jump out of my skin when I feel his breath on my neck. He is so close I can smell him.

"A bit stiff, stiff?" he says, and I can hear the smirk in his voice. I expect him to push me or hit me or something, but instead he shocks me to the core when I feel his finger start tracing up my spin. A surprisingly pleasant shiver goes through me, and I feel my muscles relax like they do when you take a hot shower.

Finally when he stops at my neck I turn around. I instantly regret not taking a step forward first because now I'm so close that if I move an inch my chest would touch his.

He takes a step towards me and i take a step back, he moves closer again and i move back, he takes another step, but as i go to take a step back, my back hits the wall, and i curse under my breath. He takes a small step closer so that he once again only an inch away.

"It's past curfew stiff. This is the second time. Do you want me to throw you over the chasm?" He says, his voice harsh.

I shake my head and come with a quick lie. "I was looking for you" i say

He lifts his eyebrows, "I-I, i was wondering where we are training tomorrow" i say. Coming up with something off the top of my head.

"You're not fighting tomorrow, we have an uneven amount of people so you will meet me on the roof tomorrow at 7 sharp. But you will be fighting the next day, so don't get any ideas that we are going easy on you" he says, with his normal hard voice.

"Why the roof?" I ask, curiosity getting the better of me.

He glares at me and takes the tiniest step forward, so that we are now pressed up against each other. He bends down, his mouth right next to my ear. "So that if I have to, I can push you off the edge and make it look like you jumped," he murmurs in my ear.

My eyes widen and a shiver goes through my whole body. I try to not make my fear visible, but because of how close we are, he can feel me shiver. He smirks at me and takes a step away. "Now get to bed before i change my mind about not throwing you over the chasm"

I turn and run off to bed without a thought. When I get there everyone is already sleeping, I slide into bed quietly and soon after my head hits the pillow, I'm out.

Eric POV.

I sigh as I walk into my friend's apartment. "What's your problem?" Xander asks with a smirk.

"Stupid initiate" I growl as I pull out a beer.

"Same one?" Ty asks with a big grin on his face. I nod, and sit down on the couch and kick up my feet on the coffee table.

"Oi, feet on my table!" Rachel yells at me. As she sits down on Xanders lap.

"Technically it's Xanders." I say smirking as I take a swing of my beer.

"Ya?" she says raising her eyebrows at me "Xander may have bought that table, so that he now owns it. But I own him, so really that table is mine" she says back.

I chuckle "well played" I say and put my feet down. "Where is Andrew and Miles?" I ask curiously. But they answer me when they walk through the door with their girlfriends Shailene and Amelia.

"Hey, what did we miss?" Andrew says with his usual smile plastered on his face. I sometimes wonder how I'm friends with Ty and Andrew, they are always happy. But hey they say opposites attract.

"Oh we were just talking about how Eric is having girl problems" Rachel says smugly.

I glare at her and chuck a pillow at her face, making her laugh.

"Oh so just the usual" Miles says with a smirk, as he and Amelia sit on the opposite side of the couch that I sit on. I roll my eyes at him.

"What, are you still flirting with that initiate?" Andrew asks, teasing me.

"I'm not flirting with her you dumbass, She needs to learn that she can't walk around like she has no fear." i say

"But isn't that what dauntless is?" Shailene says with a smile at me.

I growl "you know what i mean" i say, she just laughs.

"Why are we talking about me?" I ask annoyed "Tyler, couldn't you manage to get a skank today?" I ask with a smirk. Tyler doesn't really have a girlfriend, he just sleeps around, or dates a girl for a week and then dumps her.

"Oh ya i do, she's coming over later" he smirks.

I roll my eyes, "you're such a manwhore" I say.

He shrugs "hey at least i can get some, and i don't have to go after an initiate" he says with a smirk.

"OHHH!" Rachel yells with a laugh. I can tell she is a bit drunk.

I roll my eyes, "whatever. I have to get going. I have to train said initiate tomorrow morning. Night" I say walking out.

"NIGHT!" they all yell back.

I finish off my beer as I get into my apartment and chuck it out. As I get into bed I remember Mer and how she reacted to my touch. I smirk.

But then shake my head, what am I thinking, she's nothing to me, nothing but someone to toy with.

I switch off the lights and as soon as I hit the bed I pass out from exhaustion.

But not before I see her face...

ANYWAY! First Eric POV. YAY! tell me what you think.

Love ya, comment down bellow.

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