Chapter six- Millions of questions.

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Christina and I walk in silence, until she finally breaks it.

"So your four's sister?" she asks, even though I clearly am, otherwise this wouldn't be happening.

I pretend to think about it then say "ya" with a nod and a laugh.

She laughs to "I'm Christina" she says putting out her hand.

I shake it "Mer" I say.

"Pretty name." she says then adds "pretty girl."

I blush "thanks." I say softly

She laughs, "your abnegation is showing." My head snaps up to look at her, how did she know I was from abnegation? And as if she would read my thoughts she says "I assume you are from abnegation since that is where four is from. Plus the way you seemed to know Tris when you first jumped"

"Oh right, you were there" I murmured more to myself, then to her.

She nods "if it is any consolation, my candor was showing just now when I blurted that out. It takes time to get rid of your old faction and be completely dauntless" she says then adds "Tris still acts quite abnegation at times" she says with a laugh.

I laugh too. It falls to a silence again but Christina quickly fills it.

"So, here's a tip. The dauntless borns. They can be asses, don't take it personally, and don't put up with their snide comments, fight back. Otherwise they will chew you to pieces like a new toy.

"You will probably find some good friends here and some enemies. You will also have your friends with your transfer group, and some jealous snobs who think they deserve to be with the dauntless born and not you. Just ignore them.

"Anyway, for you specifically, if you want to make it through I would befriend someone here quickly. And you will find yourself with more friends than you knew possible. All the dauntless borns were raised together, they all know each other, you are the intruder, but don't act like it, just try to fit in." when she finishes she stops in front of the door "you ready for this, they are going to be pissed off with you joining. So be prepared"

I just nod, she nods back and then pushes the door open with her back.

"OK!" she yells into the room, all eyes turn to us. "We are doing something new this year! Max wants to see how the transfers will do if he were to put them with you guys during initiation, so I have picked an initiate and she will be doing the first part of initiation with us!"

The dauntless born all look at me differently. Girls either look angry, jealous, disgusted, but some look excited to have another girl. The guys either look confused, angry, bored, excited, but some look at me hungry and lustful. I shudder at that thought.

"This is Mer," Christina says. She looks at me and nods her head as to say go stand with the rest of them.

I make my way over and they all look at me as I stand at the edge of the group. Christina walks around us, she stands in front of all of us. "We are following the same schedule as the transfers, so today we will be shooting and then after lunch we start to learn how to fight. Most of you have been fighting your whole life, but this is to show your actual techniques instead of tackling and throwing your fist anywhere you can." she nods to the other girl/woman standing there and she starts handing out guns.

"When I hand you a gun stand in front of a target and wait for me to show you the techniques" she says, passing around guns "depending on your siblings, some of you have probably used fake guns, we try to keep real ones, and technically also the fake ones away from you until you are in initiation so you don't have to big of a heads start" she says, I reaches me and hands me a gun.

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