Chapter twenty-one- "Let the games begin"

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The fence was very boring and we didn't spend much time there. After we got back we all had free time so we just hung out in the pit. At 9 we all head to bed not wanting to get in trouble. So now once again I am laying in my bed wide awake.

All I want is to go to sleep. I'm just so tired, even my eyelids hurt, and I can't. I've been laying here for an hour or so, it is almost a quarter after 10. I suddenly feel tears sliding down my cheeks. Not out of sadness, out of exhaustion, and frustration. Instead of wiping them away I let them fall, and then my shoulders start to shake as I silently cry. I turn on my side and curl myself into a ball as tears pour down my face.

Suddenly the door swings open and the lights flicker on. "Up up up." Eric yells as he bangs a pipe on metal.

Everyone groans and I sit up quickly wiping my tears. I look up and see Eric staring at me. I swallow and wipe away the last tear. He looks at me confused but I ignore his look and walk over to the bathroom.

"Be at the tracks in 10 minuets!" Eric yells at us as I splash cold water in my face. After he leaves I walk back to my friends. My feet drag and I struggle to keep my eyes open. Sawyer looks at me weird.

"Hey you ok?" she asks, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I shrug her hand off "I'm fine" I grumble at her.

She throws her hands up "my bad for caring" she says throwing her hands up.

I sigh "sorry. I'm just really tired. I become a bitch when tired."

She nods "I get." she says before turning to her stuff to get ready.

I sigh and start to pull my pants on. When I look through my trunk for clothes I see the pill bottle. I look at the label to see if it will help me wake up. When I see that it does I take off the cap and shake one in my hand. I close the bottle and grab a shirt before putting my trunk back under my bed. I throw my shirt on and then throw back the pill, swallowing the pill dry.

I catch my friends giving each other glances and then glancing at me. "What?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

"N-nothing" Noah stutters quietly "J-just didn't the nurse say one a day in the morning. O-or something like that?" he asks nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

"We just know that pills can be addicting..." Jace says trailing off.

I look at them with raised eyebrows "guys I'm not addicted. I'm in pain and the pills are to stop the pain so I took one." I say, rolling my eyes. "Let's just go, I don't want to be late." I tell them and start walking off.

My friends fall instep with me quickly and thankfully Sawyer breaks the uncomfortable silence with something light hearted.

* * *

After we got to the tracks we were met by the dauntless born. We all jumped onto the train together and then my brother and Eric went on to explain the reason why we are here. Apparently we are playing a game called capture the flag.

There are 2 teams. Tobias' and Eric's. Each team has a flag and the other team needs to get the opposing team's flag. The twist is that there are guns involved. Neurostim darts, they simulate the pain of a real gun but only last a few minutes and it can't kill you. Well I guess it could if you shot them in a bad spot but I try not to think about that.

"2 teams. Four and I are captains. Transfers first. You pick first." He says to Tobias.

My brother doesn't argue, he looks around before saying "Noah".

I try to ignore the small pang of hurt I feel when my brother doesn't pick me. I shove it away and wait for Eric to pick.

"I'll take Robby" he says nodding to the boy who is number one in our class right now. From what I know he seems nice enough but in all honesty I don't really know anyone but my close friends. I should probably change that and get to know more people... I think to myself.

"Sawyer" Tobias calls

"Rebecca" Eric says



I sigh as my last transfer friend gets picked. I slide past some people and sit in the corner of the train car. I never expected to be the first choice, but I still would have thought my brother would have picked me by now. I mean I'm not the best but I'm not that bad either.

The picking continues and Eric says "Jazmin" and right after she moves to his side I hear my brother call my name.


My head shoots up from looking at my shoes. My brother looks around before looking at me. He nods his head towards his side telling me to join his team and a hug grin makes its way onto my face. I jump up and join my brother's side.

I look at Eric to see him looking slightly angry. His eyes narrow as he glares at Tobias. It makes me wonder if he wanted to pick me, but as the picking continues I shake my head at that thought. If he wanted me on his team he would have picked me earlier.

The picking continues until finally both transfers and dauntless born are picked. Noah, Cole, and Sierra are all on Eric's team, whereas, Cassy, Sawyer, Jace, and I are all on my brother's team.

"You get off first," Tobias says. "You know since you lost last year."

Eric gives Tobias the middle finger before him and his team exit the train. About 2 minutes after we jumped off too. As we walk toward the amusement park my brother calls to us.

"Let the games begin"....

Free and Captured ~Eric love storyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora