Chapter nine- Pinky promise

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I find myself shocked as we stand in front of a candy store, this is definitely not what I was expecting. I was thinking we were going somewhere quiet, peaceful. But this is the opposite. This place is packed full with people of all ages. From elderly people to kids probably no older than 5.

I look at Cas and she looks at me with a huge smile. "Isn't it great?" she says excitedly.

I laugh, "It's something. Definitely not what I expected"

She shrugs "come on" she grabs my wrist and drags me inside. She drags me over to a certain spot and stops "ok pick some stuff" she says

I look at her shocked, "I- I" I stutter "I don't know" I look at Cassy again who has the biggest smile, I laugh again "Cas, I've never even seen candy. Well I've seen other kids eat it, but I have never"

"Oh ya, Abnegation." she laughs "ok, I'll buy all my favorites and you can try them all. But if there is anything that peeks your interests just tell me"

I nod and smile. I stand by as Cassy packs a bag full of all different candies. She then goes and buys it and we head out.

* * *

Afterwards, we spent time walking around and eating candy. I discovered that red suckers are my favorite candy. In Fact at one point we went back to the candy store and we bought me a huge bag of red suckers. We made our way to the chasm and sat there in silence for a while.

"Ok spill" she says

I look over at her, still working on my latest sucker, this had to be my 5th one. "What?" I ask her with raised eyebrows.

She sighs, "I've been holding back on saying anything. But what was that at dinner? You seemed fine, happy even. Then you just seemed sad or angry." she says

I sigh, I pull out the sucker in my mouth and words come out a mile a minute. "Ok here's the thing, I just got super jealous of Sierra because the thing is..." I trail off. I Debate if telling her that Tobias is my brother is a good idea or not, but to be honest I would probably consider Cassy as my best friend. So I continue "Four, is my brother" I say hesitantly, and I see her jaw drop, but before she can even get a word in I continue "and I got jealous because Sierra was talking about how he was a brother to her, and I had a really crappy childhood and Four was my brother, and best friend, and we were always super close. And now I feel like when he moved he just replaced me with Sierra. And it just made me jealous and sad at the same time because I-I missed h-him so much" I start stammering and my lip quivers and tears start streaming down my cheeks.

"Hey, hey" Cassy says pulling me into a hug. I take a deep breath calming myself down. I pull away and whip away my tears.

"Sorry, that was not very dauntless" I say, shaking my head.

Cassy laughs "just because we are dauntless doesn't mean we don't have feelings. We aren't all Eric." she says, adding an eye roll at the latter part. I threw my head back with a laugh.

"True that" I say, smiling at her.

"And hey" she says putting a hand on my shoulder "don't worry, four didn't replace you. When we met, he said that I reminded him of someone really close to him. I'm going to take a wild guess and say that was you" she says smiling. I nod in agreement and give her a tight smile.

"Cas, you can't tell anyone. Please, not till after initiation. And Eric definitely can't find out. He hates me enough. I don't need him trying to kill me just because of four" I say in a rush.

She smiles, "chill, I won't tell, pinky promise" she says holding her pinky out. I look at her weirdly, not understanding. She laughs. "Here" she grabs my hand "you hook your pinky like this. And then we can't break the promise." I hook my finger around her and smile.

I rest my head on her shoulder and close my eyes, enjoy the noise of the rushing water.

"pinky promise" I murmur....

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