Chapter twenty-six- "Always"

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Hey guys here is the next chapter. I don't love it but I'm hoping its good enough. There is like no editing so pls don't be mean i just waned to get it out for all of you. Next chapter should be better. It's also not super long but ya. I hope you like it. :)

TW: Abuse

Eric's POV:

I sit in shock. How does she know? I guess she did live in abnegation, but to my knowledge everyone believes that they are just rumours spread by Erudite. There are only two reasons she would know. One; since she is close with four and tris they told her the truth. Or...

Or she suffered it first hand...

As soon as the second thought crosses my mind I know I've fucked up. How could I have not put it together sooner. I run my hands over my face.


Mer's POV:

Walking into the pit, knowing I could be walking to my death, is the most terrifying thing I've ever done.

It's not hard to find him, Eric was right about one thing, he really sticks out, even with the bright colours of blue and red in the mix, his stiff grey figure sticks out. I take a deep breath and make my way towards him.

You can do this Mer, you're not the same scared abnegation girl you were when you left. You are a tough dauntless warrior.

All my pep talk is lost on me the minute I'm standing behind the devil incarnate.

I take a deep breath and tap on his shoulder. He turns around and as soon as he sees me a sinister smile.



Eric's POV:

I make my way quickly to the pit. I need to find them before anything can happen to her. I get to the pit just in time as I see Marcus put his hand on Mer's lower back, guiding her out of the pit.

I make my way towards them but keep a distance from him. I can't just go up and save her for multiple reasons. One; I don't have any reason to kick him out of dauntless unless I catch him in the act of harming her. Two; I don't want to let Mer think I came to save her, it will be a coincidence that I happen to be in there at that time. Just because I'm not completely heartless doesn't mean that everyone has to know that.

Mer's POV:

As Marcus leads me down the hall all I can think is that this is the end. And even if it isn't, I don't think I'll want to live after whatever he does to me. Marcus comes to a sudden stop and smashes me against the wall.

I groan, and close my eyes trying to stop the tears that threaten to fall. "Look at you, still so helpless and pathetic. You're the same scared girl." he spits at him. I don't acknowledge him and lean my head against the wall, eyes closed, and try to think of something else. "Open your eyes and look at your father when he is talking to you" he growls, grabbing my jaw in his hand and squeezing.

I whimper in pain and open my eyes to look at him. He chuckles evilly and slaps me across the face. My face whips to the side from the force of the slap. He grabs my chin forcing me to look at him again and slaps me again. I bite my lip trying to stop the cries from escaping.

"You thought you could escape me you bitch. You really thought you could run away. That I wouldn't come after you. I already let your brother get away, I wasn't going to make that mistake twice." His hand makes contact with my cheek again. He then grabs my neck and squeezes my throat stopping all air flow, well at the same time he drives his fist into my stomach. I open my mouth to let out a cry but can't. He lets go and I crumple to the ground finally letting out a cry.

"Worthless, pathetic, piece of shit." he says, kicking me in the stomach after every word. He crouches down next to me "I should have killed you when I had the chance, I won't make that mistake again."

He stands up and brings his foot over my head. I don't even try to reason with him, I close my eyes and let the tears stream down my face. I wait for the blow to the head but it never comes.

When I open my eyes I see dauntless soldiers carrying out Marcus. He is yelling something but I can't make out the words. I'm too tired, my eyes flutter open and shut, not being able to stay open. They flutter shut, and when they open again, a familiar face is crouched next to me.

"Mer, can you hear me?" He asks.

I just stay still, not bothering to try to speak.

"I'm so sorry, Mer." He says tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. His finger grazes my cheek making me wince in pain. He clearly sees me wince and pulls his hand away. "Sorry" he murmurs.

People start to surround us and my breath quickens in fear. "Hey, hey. It's ok, they are here to take you to the infirmary, they're here to help." he says, calming me down.

The people lay a stretcher down and then start to pick me up. But as they do so a sharp pain rips through me and I cry out.

"Careful!" he yells at them. They lay me down on the stretcher and picks up the stretcher. He comes to my side and presses a kiss to my forehead. "I'll meet you there ok, I have to go do something."

As he starts to walk away I grab his hand. "Thank you Eric." I say, barely above a whisper, not being able to talk any louder.

He comes back to my side and squeezes my hand.


Free and Captured ~Eric love storyΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα