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   Even with the colder months nearing, the night felt especially warm. Once outside, Amanda had welcomed a deep breath of fresh air into her lungs. She followed closely behind Peyton as they left all the noise behind. Sitting at the doc bordering the lake, the girls had ditched their footwear and dipped their feet into the water. Amanda listened attentively as Peyton told her about her first time going fishing with her grandfather. The man was one to always be direct and ruled his environment with an iron fist, tendering his heart was only his family, and his fear of eels was a fact very few people knew about.

"So, he leaves to go get more bait and my dad starts pulling the line back. He had one of those black, leather snakes in his pocket. Don't ask me why he was walking around with that, to this day, I still have no idea. Anyway, he attached it to the hook and threw it back in."

She paused as she opened her mouth to speak again, laughing to herself as she remembered the events, "Dad just started shouting out of nowhere that we got something so he came running back. Before he even got to us, Dad pulled back the line and just wiggled the snake in his face! He was so freaked out he fell off!"

Her voice was a loud squeal by the time she was done, which made Amanda laugh more than the story itself.

"Oh my god, rest in peace, Papa," she chuckled, dabbing the corners of her eyes.

When she looked back at Amanda, she was staring at her with astonishment, "Huh?"

Peyton snorted while shaking her head, "Relax he didn't die that day. He was pretty close to killing Dad though."

Nodding, she let out a sigh of relief, which Peyton replied to with a nudge of her shoulder.

"Damn, it's so nice out here tonight. Usually, when we come it's all cold and misty. I missed this place."

"You don't come here anymore?"

"Not as much as we used to. Papa and I were mostly the ones that came. We'd ride bikes in the woods, go for walks, camp, but when my dad tagged along, we usually went fishing. For a few years after Papa's passing, we'd do it together."

Her smile fell slightly, "That was before he became so distant."

The shift in her mood was clear as day. For a fleeting moment, she allowed her mind to linger elsewhere, watching as the water rippled every time she moved her feet. Taking in a deep breath, she turned to Amanda, "I hope you're enjoying yourself."

"I am. Thanks for inviting me."

She giggled, "Well, of course. After last time I just thought we could use some alone time."

   The corner of her lips curved upward. She looked over her shoulder towards the party. From where they sat, they could hear the loud conversations being held by the drinks table. A smirk had appeared on her face by the time she looked back, "So, for us to be alone, you invited the entire school to tag along?" she said, teasingly.

"Hey! You're not that easy to talk to. Usually, you look like you're running away from me."

Amanda shifted, pulling one leg out of the water to face her properly, "Well, ever considered that some people might find you intimidating?"

Peyton made a soft click with her tongue and straightened herself. For just a second, she stared ahead as if weighing out her options before turning to her again.

   With the moon only halfway full, Amanda still found herself lost in her eyes. Peyton bit her bottom lip as her gaze dropped to her mouth. Heat seemed to exude from their bodies, the sensation inviting them in as they began to lean closer. Separated by just a few inches, Peyton's breaths grew more and more shallow, "You don't look so intimidated now," she whispered.

   Eager for this moment, Amanda snaked a hand behind her head, bringing their lips together in a tender kiss, that way finishing what they'd started at the school auditorium one late night. Just a few months back, after a late rehearsal for the school play, when she'd first shown her something more than friendly concern and got closer to experiencing tangible affection.

   Hadn't it been for Mrs. Worley, there wouldn't be a knot in her stomach. Peyton moved her mouth leisurely against hers, hums and moans vocalizing her pleasure. Just like that, all her worries evaporated, and she allowed herself to be led, simultaneously learning her as she'd always craved to.

When their tongues found each other, Amanda pulled her closer. Instead of giving in to her demands, Peyton pulled away, "What's wrong?" she asked, her worry rising faster than the speed of light.

She caught a quick glance of the smile that was on her face before she straddled her, the moonlight shining behind her outlining her silhouette, "Just getting comfortable."

   Her voice had gained a slight rasp. It was now Amanda's turn to moan, her heart at the same time fluttered as she found her lips again. There had been so many close calls. So many times when the moment felt right, leaving it up to them to stop the plan from going into motion. Each second of this felt like a dream, a beautiful dream that she knew was real, the confirmation being her hands in her hair, her nails occasionally grazing her skin. This was right. This was real, as real as the words that now echoed through her mind.


"I can't let you go! After everything I did for you you owe me loyalty!"

"Let go!" the girl in her head growled at the man.

And just like that, the moment was broken.

   Peyton leaned back, worried. She'd turned stiff while at the same time struggling for air. She wondered what to do, wanting to give her space but also worried that their kiss hadn't been the cause of her distress. Amanda leaned a bit to the left as she fought to get back to normalcy. Blinking away as a mysterious gloom overwhelmed her senses.

Peyton recognized the fright in her eyes. She looked just the same at the parade.

Getting off her lap, she was about to place a hand on her shoulder in hopes to bring her out of her trance, shaking all the while her fingers got closer before being abruptly interrupted by the sound of glass shattering.

"We need to find her. They're gonna break everything," Emily said in the distance.

Peyton looked back at Amanda who still looked away in a different realm. Her heart clenched as Emily called out for her again.

"I'll be right back," she said as she got up and slipped into her shoes.

   As she walked away, Amanda remained frozen, her eyes lingering on the dark water as her mind was plunged into darkness. The memory that she'd wished to remember had yet to register. It was slowly being replaced by one of a fateful night. One during which no moon shinned and the sky was covered by a thick, grey carpet. One when she was dead. Engulfed in the cold ground, before a quick rebirth led to her doom again. 

~Thank you for reading this chapter.~

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~I hope you're all doing good and staying safe.~

~Love you!~

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