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   For the weeks that followed, Amanda felt as though she'd been emptied and stuffed with sunshine. As if seeing Peyton wasn't enough to make school bearable, now that they'd begun to act on their feelings, eight hours at Cheldon Academy was worth every second.

   Walking down the halls, Amanda was back to being invisible. That only lasted as long as she wasn't seen, arms linked with the most popular girl at school. As for everything in her world, Amanda only got noticed by association. Unlike the intense scrutiny that came with being the mayor's daughter, the only attention she received was lingering glances when they strode down the halls, lost in conversation.

   Amanda couldn't care less about the whispers, however. For the first two weeks of their relationship, time seemed to halt every time they saw each other. Their auras were enchanting, creating a bubble where only the two of them mattered. Amanda felt that magic everywhere.

From the way her soul seemed to levitate out of her body to the gentle sizzles in her touches, she was bewitched by the blonde-haired beauty, and she had no desire to break the charm.

   At the sound of the bell, Amanda began to gather her things when she felt a presence behind her. Noticing the purple-tipped ballerina flats from her hunched-over position, Amanda smiled to herself. Gazing at her expectedly was a smiling Peyton holding her books to her chest.

"Are you stalking, Opper?" she smirked while hoisting her backpack on her desk.

Peyton took in an exaggerated breath, mortified by the accusation.

"Let's see," she said, looking at her watch, "The bell rang almost ten minutes ago, and you are still here. Are you sure you didn't deliberately stay behind to stalk me?"

Raising a curious brow to solidify her performance, Peyton tried to hold back the innocent smile tugging at her lips.

Amanda smirked and took a step forward, close enough to hear her breath hitch causing her to nearly purr in satisfaction as she imagined her smile falling just a little.

"I won't deny my bad habits. But neither should you."

   Peyton swallowed hard, the audible sound undisputable proof of Amanda's effect on her. Today, her hair was in a loose French braid on the side of her head. Tendrils hung around her face, providing thin curtains hiding her from her intense gaze.

"I never did," she managed to say, hugging her books tighter, "But you're going to be late for your next class."

Sighing as she fixed her bag on her shoulder, Amanda closed the distance between them.

She wrapped an arm around her waist and gently pushed some hair off her face, her touch lingering on her cheek.

"I couldn't go without a kiss," she chirped matter-of-factly, bringing her hand at the nape of her neck.

   They held each other's gaze until Peyton's dropped to Amanda's lips. Mirroring her action, she grazed her forehead with her finger, brushing aside her hair, and securing it behind her ear. Unbothered that the class was nearly full by then, Amanda pulled her in and captured her lips with hers. Peyton let out a deep breath through her nostrils. The warm air tickled Amanda's upper lips, causing her to shiver, the sensation rippling through both of them as Peyton tugged her closer, needing her touch as if chasing her next breath.

   When, at last, they pulled away, Amanda caressed her knuckles as she noticed her hands fisted around the collar of her jacket. Sure of the stares they were most definitely under the scrutiny of, they both tried to regulate their breathing, leaning their foreheads together. Peyton's soft giggle broke their silence, encouraging a sigh out of Amanda. Peyton opened her mouth to say something when a static voice boomed from the speakers.

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