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Amanda: Sorry for running off. I... the details are just too overwhelming sometimes. Still, I'm glad I didn't freak you out. See you soon. Read Friday

   Amanda stared at the screen as if her glares would cause a text to materialize. Accepting her efforts were futile, she sighed and switched off her phone. The woods weren't known for cellphone reception anyway. Still, it'd been four days since she last spoke to Lorna. She'd been relieved that she was still willing to talk to her after she took off a the game, but there had been nothing from her since. She'd even stopped by her house on Wednesday and although her car was there, Lorna was nowhere in sight.

   That should've been a dead giveaway that she wished to be left alone, but it was all so confusing. All Amanda could do was wait and for now, focus on making her girlfriend's birthday the best she ever had.

   When they arrived at the lake house, multiple cars and mountain bikes were parked nearby. Tristan sat in his truck his phone in hand while some other kids from school helped themselves to a few beers from the cooler. Matt switched off the engine and Amanda reached into the backseat for Peyton's gift. The moment she opened her door, she paused at the odd scent that permeated the air. It wasn't the usual mix of pine and willow, although still very present.

"It smells like death around here. What the hell!" Matt exclaimed shooting a glance at his sister who nodded her agreement.

"Yeah, we think there might be a deer caracas nearby," Tristan said, not even looking up from his phone.

"Should we call animal control or something?" Amanda offered and someone chuckled before Roman stepped out of the backseat. "Yeah, and have the cops show up to ruin the party?" he said raising his beer as if to prove his point.

   Given the few approving nods that ensued, he'd made his point. Deciding he wasn't worth arguing with, Amanda made a move to leave when she noticed Matt glaring daggers at Roman. When she looked at him, he was staring at her with a mischievous expression on his face.

"Hey, Amanda. You plan on getting wild again tonight?" he said with a smirk.

Laughter ensued and before Amanda even had a chance to react, Matt was already marching over to Roman.

"Ayo. Yo chill, man. It was just a joke," Tristan said as he got out of his car to step in front of Matt.

Matt's gaze remained on Roman, following his every move while he went around the truck to add more distance between them.

"He better watch his mouth before I pop his front teeth out," Matt said, putting an equal amount of venom in each word.

"Okay, okay," Tristan said and grabbed a beer from the small cooler on the passenger seat and handed it to Matt, "There's no need for violence.

We're all friends here."

   Amanda stood transfixed as the two young men glared at each other. Not a word was spoken, but the silence said it all. Matt would not allow anyone to openly disrespect his sister in front of him, not anymore. A proud smile threatened to show on her face, but Amanda quickly snapped back to reality. Peyton didn't need another fight ruining her party yet again. As much as she appreciated what Matt was doing, she also didn't want him to get hurt because of her.

So she decided to step in. She stood in front of her brother and immediately noticed the subtle shakes as he struggled to control his rage.

"Come on, Matt. Peyton needs our help," she said cooly.

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