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   Amanda was always a sarcastic one. Pointing out the irony in a situation would usually get a chuckle out of her. Those who didn't get her sense of humor thought her to be mean or rude, a real bitch who got to lay back and enjoy daddy's money, free of all consequences her behavior should bring. The other debutant moms felt for Sheryl, though they'd never admit out loud the sympathy they felt for a woman of such grace and high status, burdened with such a rebellious soul for a daughter.

Staring up at the ceiling, the gold glitter she'd glued on over the beige background so many years ago no longer aided in bringing her to sleep. Now, it reminded her of fading stars, every day losing their spark, a mirror image of what her life had come to.

   From the moment she began to gain back consciousness, vivid memories had sprung forward, replaying in as much detail as she could recollect the events of the last sixteen hours. On her arms her hair raised, the feel of the cool morning air hitting her skin, making her run a hand over the soft fabric of her sweatshirt, assuring her that she was well covered. Still, their low snickers echoed through her ears, their faces lit up by full-on grins as they eyed her with amusement. The distinct smell of pinewood danced in the air around her, while simultaneously was as ghostly as the pale of her face now that her mind wandered to the party that she barely remembered and the girl that made her heart race for all the right reasons.

Peyton: Hey! I'm back now. Where did you go? 12:34. AM

Peyton: Amanda, is everything okay? You forgot your boots. They're even better up close. 12: 58 AM

Peyton: I really hope I didn't weird you out or anything. That Chuck guy from Milton High started a whole fight with Jacob. I know you would've laughed because it was actually epic. At least it would've been if the grand piano didn't suffer some few damages. 1:23 AM

Peyton: Party just ended, you can come out of your hiding spot now. All jokes aside, I wouldn't mind the company right about now. 2:19 AM

Peyton: Did I do something wrong? 2: 25 AM

Peyton: I'm so bad at this. How in the world am I intimidating when I'm over here spamming you when you probably just want to be alone. 2:50 AM

Peyton: Hey! Hope you made it home okay. Looking forward to seeing you today. 6:14 AM

   Amanda had to blink away the tears as she stared at the phone screen. For what felt like the one hundredth time today, her thumbs hung over the keypad, shaking slightly as she wondered what she could possibly say. The fact that Peyton worried about her so much would've made her heart swell if the circumstances were different. But now, she fought her way through her memories, trying to remember what happened last night.

   Her eyes stung with unshed tears, her jaw tight because the last thing she remembered was talking to Tristan. Frustrated, Amanda let out a loud growl before throwing her phone against the wall. The device came crashing down on the floor, the screen shattered but still lit. Finally unleashing her sorrow, Amanda pulled her knees against her chest right when the phone buzzed against the hardwood floor.

   The will to move had left her being. With that throw, a floodgate was opened, allowing the subtle headache that lingered in the background since she woke up its time to shine. The stress caused by this chain of events was now getting to her. Encumbering her brain like a bag of pointy pebbles, each weighting a tone.

   For once she wished her memory wouldn't falter. Something had happened with Peyton, something worth remembering. Amanda's heart swelled with anguish. It was as though her mind had been wiped clean, leaving behind a thin film tinted with just enough joy to make her smile before giving place to the freezing breath of death itself.

   Now, all she was left with were her thoughts as endless possibilities lingered in her brain. Had she roamed around all night, bumping into people like a mindless zombie? Where had her clothes gone? Where had she wandered off to? Of all places to seek shelter, why Sheldon Academy?

   The chaotic ruckus that powered her train of thoughts came to a jolting halt at the acute creak of the doorknob twisting. Sheryl walked in, accompanied by the softest breeze, cold enough to make nerves go numb. By now Amanda knew her fate was sealed. Her teeth cackled as she blinked a few rows of tears free. They slid down her cheeks, raising each other as she closed her eyes tight when her mother stopped right next to her on the bed.

   Her hold on her knees tightened and her heart raced. Sheryl had joined her on the bed, sitting beside her, eyeing her like a viper ready to strike. Amanda awaited the blow more eagerly than she did getting better. Only one of those things lingered in the near future, and unfortunately, it wasn't the latter.

   Sheryl cocked her head as she looked at her child. Her gaze roamed every inch of the bed like the wrinkled fabric was the most interesting novel she'd ever laid eyes on. From time to time, she'd glance in her direction, then she'd bite on her sleeve and a fresh tear would escape her eyes.

   Amanda gasped in surprise when she felt her curled finger grazing her cheek. her eyes grew wide, shocked to see her mother expressing towards her something other than anger, or worst, disappointment.

"My sweet child," Sheryl whispered, shifting her position to get a hold of her face, now wiping her tears away with her thumbs and holding her head up.

Amanda let out a strangled cry before throwing her arms around her neck, crying into her embrace, "I'm sorry... I'm... I'm sorry! I don't know... I can't... I don't know!"

   She shushed her soothingly. Gently running a hand over her still moist hair. Amanda leaned into her mother, beaming with joy now that she could see the light at the end of the dark tunnel. Sheryl knew that's what she needed to do. She knew that she needed to gain her trust, so this case could finally be put to rest, eliminating once and for all the chance of history repeating itself. 

~Thank you for reading this chapter.~

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~I love you!!!~

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