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   If the awkward ride home wasn't enough to make him uneasy, the loud silence at the dinner table spoke what none of them could say. Matt remained focused on his meal throughout the course, ignoring the glances sent his way, the loud clashes of his fork and knife on the ceramic plate a dead giveaway of his current state of mind.

Sheryl had prepared an early dinner since they would soon head back to school for the game. For once, she was quiet and didn't even dare to break the seal when Matt got up without excusing himself and walked away with his dirty plate in hand.

As he walked past the dining room, he let out a deep exhale before heading upstairs to grab his things.

   It was a Fullwood family tradition to ride together to and from any games whenever Mayor Fullwood was available. If he wasn't, that usually meant Sheryl wouldn't attend either, and Amanda would thereby have free range on who she went with or if she attended altogether. Food is supposed to bring people together, yet even that wasn't enough to melt the iceberg of issues that served as the main course.

Matt didn't even want to imagine what a car ride to and from the game would be like with that kind of energy lurking around them.

Grabbing his duffle bag and his phone off the nightstand, he headed downstairs, thankful to find no one to question his early departure.

Once he'd found a spot close enough to the back exit, Matt went to the one place where he could blow off some steam before the game without losing track of time. The loud music blared in his ears as he raised and dropped the weight above him.

His muscles burned from the strain the weights put on them, but he groaned through the ache, aware of the pair of eyes on him before he finally made his presence known.

"The hell are you lookin' at?" Matt said as he sat up on the bench.

Rowen stood by the lockers eyeing him with worry.

A few minutes of silent exchange later and Rowen had dropped his duffle bag on the ground and approached him warily.

"You alright, man?"

  Matt nearly scoffed at the fake sympathy act. He knew how to pick them. Rowen was a known blabber mouth who'd stated countless rumors that went on to cause unnecessary For some reason he couldn't recall but now questioned, they'd remained friends. Matt gazed up at his tall frame. His arms were crossed over his chest as he watched him with a hint of mischieve shined in his blue eyes. Shielded by his blonde hair, he almost missed up, but the slight smirk that appeared on his face gave away his true intentions.

"Never been better," Matt mumbled as he got up.

He made it to his locker when he paused, allowing the awkward silence to nearly suffocate them both before Roman caved.

"Look, I'm just gonna come out and say it. I don't think you should play tonight. You've been out of it all day and..."

Matt's chuckle cuts him off. He turned around with a shit-eating grin that also showcased his anger as he shut the locker and started toward him.

"Excuse me, captain," he mocked, staring down at the man whose "know it all" expression would not falter, "I knew you as the teacher's pet but dick riding coach is a new low even for you."

Roman straightened his posture, his jaw clenched as he stood his ground.

"What the fuck is up your ass, Matt?" he challenged.

The two men puffed out their chests as they got in each other's personal space.

"You think you can tell me what to do?" he emphasized, pointing to his chest, waiting for him to back down with a raised brow.

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